Just Crimson

New Girl

The Crimsons cells were in a long, grey stoned building at the very end of Black Crimson. They were situated behind an immense, round building of which looked like some sort of old auditorium.
Everything looked old here.
When Fiona was pushed into her cell along with Kevin and, to their surprise, the new girl, she immediately felt as if she was in prison.
The cell was completely empty except for the tiny lamps that were situated in every corner of it.
Though, once Fiona thought of it, it was worse than prison. At least in prison you get a bed and a sink.
She went and sat in the corner of the cell, under the small, barred window that every cell had.
Kevin came beside her, sighing and shaking his head.
Both watched the new girl as she starred around the cell in what seemed like disbelief.
A Black Crimson slammed the big, heavy door, making the new girl jump in surprise.
She looked to be a couple years older than Fiona. She stood at an average height, under the red lines, her skin was deeply tanned, her eyes were the darkest brown and her hair, almost black fell in waves down her back.
Fiona guessed that she was most likely Hispanic. Looking at the other prisoners, the Black Crimsons seemed to get people from all over the world.
The girl still looked around, and then her eyes landed on Fiona and Kevin.
“¿Donde estoy?” She spoke sadly.
Fiona suddenly regretted not taking Spanish in high school.
Kevin looked at her and she shrugged.
“You don’t speak Spanish, do you?” She whispered to Kevin who shook his head afterwards.
Sighing, she looked back at the new girl who was looking at them questioningly as if waiting for an answer.
“I’m sorry. We don’t understand what you’re saying.” Fiona told her, articulating her words.
“¿por qué hay que hacer esto?” She wailed, roughly sitting down against the opposite wall.
Fitting her head in her hands, her shoulders began to shake and soft sobs where heard once in a while.
Fiona sat stiffly for a long time, unknowing of what to do.
She wasn’t sure if she should go over and console her or to let her be.
Finally deciding to just let her be, seeing as she didn’t feel as good either, Fiona rested her head against Kevin’s shoulder to realize he had dozed off.
Closing her eyes, she tried to block out the soft, miserable cries, her own lips jittering at the reminded sorrow.
“¿por qué?” The Hispanic woman repeated in a soft whisper over and over again, filling Fiona’s mind with the unknown words.
“¿Qué he hecho para merecer esto?” She wailed more loudly, making Fiona’s eyes snap open at the now lightless room, the lamps turned off.
The lady’s weeps grew louder and sharper.
Soon, Fiona found her hands shaking violently in frustration and fear.
Quickly raising them to her ears, she added pressure as she tried to block out the undesirable sounds.
The more pressure she added, the less sound was heard except the sound of her own shaky breaths of which were trapped within her.
Fiona jumped when she felt something cold touch her arm.
“Hey…” Kevin soothed in a low voice. “You okay?”
Tears burning her eyes, Fiona slowly shook her head.
A lump had taken over her throat, disabling her voice.
Wrapping his arms around her, Kevin brought her tightly against him.
She tucked her ear against his chest, concentrating on his fast heartbeats hoping the relaxing sound would distract her enough.
“I hate it here, too.” Kevin whispered, laying his head atop hers.
Soon enough, Fiona finally fell into an uncomfortable slumber.
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