School Daze.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

[Laurens P.O.V]
Skating was the funniest memory I have of Miss Sara Dawn.
Just as I was starting to remember it Miss. Dobson yells at me for not paying attention.
Just then the bell rang and everyone started pilling out for the next class.
Great one more hour left then lunch.

When I walked into my next class late I saw a new person sitting next to me.
Ms. Peters was just introducing him right when I walked in.
His name was Alex Evans. He had dark brown hair and eyes that looked like ice.
He was wearing skinney jeans and a heartbreaker shirt.

I sat down.
“Hi, I’m Lauren”
“Hey, I’m Alex.

Ms. Peters told us the news and told us that we were doing a timeline of Russia.
We needed a partner.
“Hey Lauren, want to be my partner?”
“Yeah, sure.”

We started talking, but not about the timeline.
We were talking about all the bands we liked and stuff,
but just in front of me sat my best friend Miss Sara Dawn.
She turned around and asked what we were doing.
“Oh, just talking about bands and stuff,” I replied.
I could see her just staring at Alex With her pretty blue eyes.
I knew she liked him.

It was finally lunch time.
I was super hungry,
But I always am, food is always on my mind.
As we went to my locker, I saw Alex and asked if he wanted to hang with us.
He said sure.
So we went to my locker and grabbed my money and went to the vending machines.
I got my two bags of chips, Sara Dawn got her Coke, and Alex had nothing.
“Don’t you want anything?” Sara asked.
“No I don’t like taking other peoples money”

After lunch I had two more classes then home time.
At least I didn’t have dance today so I asked if Alex wanted to come over.

When we got to my place Gerard was sitting outside fixing his car, like usual.
And Mikey was fixing a string on his bass.

As we went inside Frank was sitting on the couch watching one of his stupid shows.
But that’s what I loved about him.

“Hey Frank, What’s up?”

“Hey kiddo, nothing much just watching one of my ’stupid’ shows”

“Ok, well this is Alex, he’s new.”

“Hey man how’s it going?”

“Good, thanx.”

“Anyways,” I said, ”We will be in my room, tell Gerard that if he needs me.”
