Touch Me

Touch Me

Brendon stormed into the room, his anger radiating off of him.

“Brendon, what’s got you so pissy?” Spencer asked.

Jon was working on a puzzle of a giraffe. This puzzle was similar to that of a preschool puzzle. It consisted of eight pieces and though for a normal person it would have been easy, Jon Walker was not normal, “Goddamn it! It doesn’t fit!”

The man began pounding the pieces together, making them fit, whether they did or not. The ending result was the butt was attached to the head, the front legs were attached to the butt, the back legs were opposite the front, sticking up in the air, and the body and neck were on separate sides of the puzzle.

Satisfied, Jon gave his attention to Spencer and Brendon, who were staring at him, “Yeah, Brendon. What’s wrong?”

At this time, Ryan had entered, missing Jon’s puzzle experience.

Brendon’s lower lip began to quiver, “It’s Ryan… He won’t touch me!”

The other three shared a look, before Jon looked back to Brendon, “Uh, he touches me.”

“What!?” Brendon’s cry rattled the walls.

“Yeah, he touches me, too,” Spencer raised his hand, looking at his feet.

Brendon’s wails turned into whimpers.

Ryan spoke, “Yup, he touches me, as well.”

Three pairs of eyes, one pair watery, “Wait, what? …Okay, I get it. Waaaah!” Brendon began to sob again.

“Ryan,” he whispered, “Why won’t you touch me?”


“Is that the only reason you have?”

“Yeah, pretty much. I honestly don’t know.”

“Well, will you?”


This set Brendon off crying even harder than he once was and he ran out of the room, heading to his bedroom most likely.

“Well, I feel bad,” Ryan sat down beside Jon, who was now working on a puzzle of a monkey.

In Brendon’s room, he could be found naked and rolling around on the bed, going insane by the fact that one George Ryan Ross III would not touch him, “Mwuhahaha!”

His maniacal laughter could be heard all around the house, making heads turn in that direction in wonderment. Eventually, Spencer came in, wondering what was causing his friend to be so… utterly strange.

“Brendon. What are you doing?”

“Ryan won’t touch me! Mwuhahaha!” Brendon continued to roll slowly, spreading onto his back, before curling into a ball on his side; back and forth, over and over, “I’m going insane! Mwuhahaha!”

“Okay, Bren. This is just getting ridiculous.”

“Get Ryan to touch me!” he still continued to roll, rolling so much he rolled right off the bed, “Ow! Ryan! Touch me!”

From wherever Ryan was in the house, he obviously heard Brendon, but did he reply? Yes. He did. Ryan smiled to himself, relishing in his friends frustration as he yelled in response, “NEVAHHHHH!”
♠ ♠ ♠
The background on this one is mighty awkward.
My friend Sam said something, then I said something, and this lead to her cat rolling around, and she pictured her cat going, "MWUHAHA!" while taunting her mouse.
And somehow, this turned into Panic At The Disco oddness.

We both take pride in that fact, but she hates it when I write down the stuff we make up in our heads...
This is why I do it.

Comments/subscriptions = looooove.
