Come Back to Me

Chapter 1

I ran.I ran like I have never ran before in my life .My lungs felt like they were on fire and were about to explode any second now. I had to get out of this place, This place is no longer my home not when they are too demanding and forcing me to do things i don't want to do. No one and I mean No one will push me around like that not even my parents!

I was almost home free and out of this place but two guards stepped in my way making me veer to the left to find another way out.I knew they weren't that far behind because I could hear their voices screaming for me to get my ass back there and to stop running. But there wasn't even a slight chance I would go back to my father after what he had just told me and the fight we had just had.

Their foot steps were becoming closer and my heart was leaping out of my chest,I couldn't keep this up much longer. I spotted the mirror looking door just ahead and i put everything I had and leaped for it going straight through.

I did it.
I escaped,I escaped my home.
Not just any home
But hell to be precise,the real hell
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hey this is my new story...
i think it will be interesting...
so tell me if you want me to continue it!!
comments will determine it(maybe)