Come Back to Me

Chapter 2

My head is pounding form the impact that I made with the earth. It’s strange the damn portals aren’t on the ground they are in mid air so you really have to brace your self for your landing but I was too busy with running for my life. By now you’re probably wondering in who the fuck I am right? Or I could be wrong but who cares. My name is Avenge Opaque Lucifer, I Am 23 years old and I am the devils- Lucifer’s daughter. That’s enough about me for now because I need to find out where the hell I am.

I had been walking around on earth for about 3 hours now and no one will speak to me all they do is stare or look away in disgust. They are so lucky this is not hell or they would be punished for treating me like this. I stopped walking and just sat on a bench for the last 15 minutes. This place isn’t so bad for it being my second time on earth. The first time was when I was around 3 but that’s all I can really remember except for all the funny looking animals here. See back in hell there aren’t chirping birds, fuzzy rabbits or deer or most of it for that matter ; all we really have is bats, dogs and wolfs. I would continue more but some crazy chick is screaming like a lunatic off the top of her lungs and a guy not too far behind.

“Hey you what’s your name?” she asked sitting down next to me. I didn’t have time to answer because she started to talk more.

“You know what it doesn’t matter! Here take this flyer and be there tonight! It’s gonna be so much fun! Probably the most fun you will have in your life!” im guessing she would of said more but that guy that was chasing her clamped his hand over her mouth.

“Sorry about her she’s had her caffeine today and she’s supposed to hand out flyers like a normal person but its not going to happen because she’s insane!” just as she said that the guy pulled his hand away because she bit him.

“I am not!” she argued and he argued she was. God are all people on earth this strange… crazy… what ever you would like to call it! If they are I can’t deal with this… but then again it’s better than being home where my father is probably fuming.I guess I got lost in thoughts because the next I know I got a hand waving in my face.

“Hello earth to uhhh… what’s her name?” the guy whispered the last part to the girl. She shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand in my face like he was before. I snapped out of my trance and looked at them funny.

“ Finally your off of lala land. Anyways what’s your name? You look really cool and I hope you can come to the party” the girl said in a rambling manner. I just blinked at her because she talks so fast.

“I am Avenge Opaque Lucifer and-“ I said but was cut off by her… again

“Sweet fucking name! My name is Ray and this here is Jimmy… how did you get a name like that… are you from around here? ohhh-” once again she was shut up by the guy known Jimmy.

“Like I said before im really sorry about her... and yes my name is Jimmy like she had said if you caught that and it would be really great if you can come its at 6….and oh shit man what time is it..” he took his hand off of Rays mouth and freaked.

“That’s like now so if you want to come you can come with us now… since I don’t think you know your way around because I have never seen you before….”he was going to ramble on like her im guessing so I just stood up and nodded my head before it all started and headed over to the party.. Where ever it is…
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yay a party lol...
ummm this isnt the best of chapters yet to come ... its just kinda a thing that will get the whole story started!... so bare with me here lol

p.s- comments are liek the REv's drumming... BANGING! ...
oh and they are also what keeps me updateing faster!