Come Back to Me

Chapter 3

Earth parties are so unlike parties back home. People here are thrown all over the place and puking with really loud music. Even though this is so different from back home i love this change. My eyes glanced to every body in the room moving and swaying , i took these images in and a grin appeared on my face as i noticed that these people were full of sin. I managed to get through the mess of people and to out side. There were some people but not much. I stared at the black over head with the little diamonds sparkling also known as the sky to many. I got lost in my own world staring at it , it was so pretty unlike the one we have at home .Its just black -nothing but blackness during the night but redness during the day.

I was rudely ripped form my dream like state when i felt a pinch on my lower half. I turned around and stared at the pathetic guy. I could smell something almost as putrid as the smell of a burning corpse. I stared up at the foul smelling man glaring daggers being careful not to kill him because i could literally kill him with just one look or flick of the hand. He would disappear off this earth and to the deepest pits of hell. Before i knew it his disgusting lips were on my own. I threw his body to the ground as i felt my body heat up. A deep growl emitted from my throat and a bolt of lightening struck the ground next to his body. His eyes went wide eyed before he passed out. The people around were running inside for cover from the lightening as i just stood there looking down at his pathetic body. I felt the heat leave my body slowly and i turned around and walked back into the shelter were the other masses of people were being held. I passed the kitchen and was pulled in by the girl who had brought me here.

"Oh guys this is Avenge! She was the one i was telling you about!" Aiden said as she giggled and then fell into Jimmy's lap. I looked around at the other 6 guys and girls. I stood there unsure of what i was supposed to do. Usually in hell i know everyone and there is no need for introductions but this was defiantly different.

"ooh well duh um this is Matt and Tara, Johnny and Audrey, Zacky and Lauren... umm Brian should be around here some where." Aiden said looking around then gave up and just shrugged.

"So Jimmy says you are new around here. Where are you from?" Matt asked taking a sip from a silver can.

"Hell" i replied like it was nothing because it was the truth. That caused them all to chuckle.

"haha nice well how old are you?" Tara asked this time.

"23" i said looking around and actually taking in there image. They were sinful but not to the point where it stood out tremendously.

"whoa why are your eyes glowing red?" i heard asked by johnny as they all stared at me. i moved my gaze to look at him .

"I'm scanning your sin aurora" i replied still reading into it.

"our whosie whats?" Audrey asked raising an eye brow like i was crazy.

"your sin aurora , it glows around you when you have sinned " They all stared at me with a blank look . I cant blame them no humans on earth really know we are real.

"okay.. well I'm going to go to the bathroom ill be right back" Lauren said getting up off Zacky and then taking one last glance at me before venturing out into the mass of people to go to the bathroom. I stood there awkwardly for five minutes until i had a pain go through my head. flashes of images and bits of voices floated in my head. My skin started to heat up once again.

"hey uh are you alright?" Matt got up and came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder but removed it quickly.

"Ouch mother fucker! what the hell ! Your burning up!" he shouted shaking his hand.I just pointed to Zacky.

"You need to go , go now before its too late" I said

"Go where?" he asked raising an eye brow

"To Lauren"

" shes just in the bathroom" he pointed out like i was dumb. i growled frustrated he wasn't doing what i said. I stormed out of the room and broke down the bedroom door with just one small push. The guy that was leaning over Lauren looked up and caught my gaze.

"You little bitch you have ruined my fun!" he shouted coming towards me.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you" i said with a low growl. He just laughed and lounged at me like I knew he would but i moved out of the way before he actually could get me to the ground. I returned my attention to Lauren who still sat on the bed rubbing her neck where the guy was holding her down and choking here. She looked scared and worried yet pissed.

"Behind-" she began but i had already known. I pulled the guy up by his collar and looked straight into his eyes. I had seen all the sins he had committed since he has roamed this earth.

" Vestri animus belongs ut Diabolus! Utor Abyssus!" The guy took one last gasp for air and started to burn to ashes. I looked over to Lauren and her mouth was left agape as she pointed towards me still.

"Y-y-yo-u.." she stuttered and then just stopped.

"Jesus Christ what happened to my door?!" i heard screamed and then i passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
so finally an update!
this one goes to Aiden., Tara, Lauren and audrey!
ohh and she says "Your soul belongs to the Devil! Enjoy Hell" incase you were wondering
soo comments?

- patti