Screaming Your Name Into the Night While Hiding Everything From Your Sight

Part 1

"RUN!" a voice screamed to me, I wanted to turn around but something was holding me still. The sound of bombs hitting the buildings radiated throughout London, children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters all hiding in underground bomb shelters, how I managed to remain outside I had no idea. Suddenly my breathing became heavy, cold sweat dripping from hair, my eyes locked on something in the darkness.

"Cassidy everything is fine" a bell like voice soothed as a cold hand touched my equally cold skin, I slowly sat up on the long black couch and looked into the amber eyes of my best friend Alice. "I saw it again, I wish I could block it out but each time I slip in it takes longer to get out" I mutter as Alice wraps her arms around me, "You have to talk to him, it as been 30 years since you two last spoke" Alice says but even with her persuasive tone I would not give in.

"No, Alice it is not fair. You have Jasper, Rosalie has Emmett, Carlisle has Esme and then there is Bella and "my voice stopped, I refused to acknowledge him, "Cass you have an eternity to find someone" Alice replied smoothly."I don’t eternity!" I scream in an inhuman pitch, "Cass" Alice says as she goes to touch me. "Don’t" I say and immediately she stops, not because she wants to but because she physically can't move any further. I hated to use my power on Alice but sometimes it was the only way she would take no for an answer, "I am sorry Alice" I say as I leave the room.

For thirty-one years I had lived with the Cullen's, I had become a Cullen, Cassidy Cullen. Everyone in the small town of Forks was either in awe of our family or hated us, mostly it was the first. As I made my way through are rather large house I finally made it to the kitchen, which was mainly for show. We didn’t need to eat, in fact for most of us it was a burden to have to swallow something that felt like cold cement as it slid down our throats. Some habits passed with me from life to well I don't know what you would call it, some still call what we have life but I call it a living hell.

"Good morning Cass" a familiar voice said as I entered the kitchen, my eyes slowly moved to the left to see that Isabella was sitting as the bench eating a waffle, "Morning Isabella" I replied coldly. I had no reason to hate her but somehow I could not keep away the feelings that burned inside me, he had chosen her over me, he had loved her more than he had loved me.

Isabella Swan was much like me, both walking trouble magnets and prone to fall over everything that was in a ten mile radius, even becoming a vampire had not changed my clumsiness. "He is not here you know" she says as she takes another bite of waffle, "I know" I replied with a smooth yet cold tone as I ran my fingers through my long brown hair. For a moment Bella looked me as though I wasn’t real, offcourse I had that a lot. With ice blue eyes and long brown hair that reached my ankles people always stopped and stared but they did that to all the Cullen's.

I was so lost in my train of thought that I had not noticed that Edward was standing right behind me until I felt his cold breath run along my spine, my reflex's went into action and my fist went backwards and slammed him in the nose, making a horrible crunching sound. Edward let out a screech as his hands wrapped around my throat, for moments we sat like that, I could have stopped him but I would rather let him kill me than break a promise that I had made to myself all those years ago. In order to make my power work I had to speak the order, but never would I do it.

"Edward what are you doing" a female voice said smoothly in a yell, only Esme could manage to remain so calm yet so mad. "Edward release her please" Esme says softly, he hesitates for a moment and then I feel his hands slowly releasing my pale throat. Bella rushes to his side worry in her eyes as she runs her warm hand along his cheek, Esme gave me a worrying glance as I rushed outside.

For hours I sat outside, the constant pouring of the Forks rain hitting the rooftops around me. Emotions raging through me, out of all of our family I was the one that remained most attached to my human side even though I am well over thirty-five years old. "Cassidy come inside" a soothing male voice whispers in my ear, "Carlisle I thought you out of all of them would leave me alone, but obviously I was wrong" I say with a slight hint of anger as Carlisle sits beside me.

"Alice and Bella are going shopping in Seattle and I think that you should go with them, Edward is going hunting with Jasper and Emmett so you can bond with Bella" Carlisle says as he places his arm around my shoulder, I slowly turn and give him an evil smile. "Come on Cassidy it ahs been forever since you and Alice went and turned my credit card into melted plastic" smiles Carlisle, "I hate when you do that, convincing me with a shopping spree makes me feel so easy" I say with a smile as he hands me his credit card, a large sum of money has been building since around 200 years ago.
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This is a fanfiction of the Twilight series, I recently read the books and decided to do a fan fic, I don't know how it is going to turn out but have fun reading.