‹ Prequel: Jesus' Brother Bob
Sequel: Earworm

Happy Cake Day

Chapter 2

“Are you sure?” Ray asked with wide eyes. Mikey nodded grimly.

“I don’t see why this is a big deal,” Bob said, sounding like he was about to fall asleep.

“Bob. This is Gerard we’re talking about. He would live on cake if given the chance,” said Frank. The drummer shrugged.

“Maybe you should just leave him alone. He said he doesn’t want a cake, so don’t give him one.” Mikey sighed.

“But it’s his birthday…”

“Which is why we should let him do whatever he wants,” said Ray as if to end the conversation.

“No. He wants a cake. He just doesn’t know it yet,” said Frank with determination. “And just like I promised Mikey here, Gerard is going to have a cake and eat it too. And it’s not going to be one of those store-bought, lard-covered cardboard boxes from Albertson’s. It’s going to be made from scratch.” Now they were all terrified. Frank had long been famous for saying, “I burn everything and call it Cajun.” Letting him make a cake could be considered an attempt on Gerard’s life.

“We’re not letting you anywhere near an oven, Frank,” said Bob, who was instantly awake upon hearing the guitarist’s words.

“I don’t know…If we make sure he’s not the only one near the oven, everything should be fine,” said Ray.

“What are we going to do about my brother during all of this?” asked Mikey.

“Easy. You’re going to keep him as far away from this bus as humanly possible,” said Frank with a smile. He was starting to like this idea already. Mikey considered his options. He knew his brother would probably be mad, but anything was better than the depression he had sunk into. He wanted his older brother back, the one that always joked around with him and laughed at everything. He hated seeing Gerard so sad.

He nodded. All three of them listened carefully to the details of Frank’s plot. It seemed foolproof. What could possibly go wrong?
“What do you mean I can’t go in the bus yet?” Gerard asked suspiciously.

“Frank let a soda explode again, and as punishment Brian’s forcing him to clean it up,” said Mikey, trying to sound as convincing as possible. His older brother frowned at him, then turned and walked away.

“I’m going to Starbucks,” he called. Mikey waited until he was gone and then cautiously opened the door.

“He’s gone, guys.” Ray and Bob sighed in relief. They were safe for the time being. “And I don’t see why you can’t just lock the door.”

“Because, Mikey, Gerard will find a way past it. With you out there to distract him, nothing can go wrong!” Ray said happily. Bob nodded in agreement.

Frank, at the moment, was neither relieved nor happy. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Why couldn’t he get this to work?

Mikey smelled the smoke and immediately shut the door. Now he was thankful to be outside. The inside of the bus had become a dangerous place. This was quickly confirmed as he heard a yell of pain from Frank, soon followed by a string of curse words. Mikey shook his head. Frank must have burned himself.

‘30 isn’t really that old,’ thought the bassist as he remembered Gerard’s earlier mood. ‘I hope this cheers him up…even though I don’t think it’s going to end well…’

“I need a spatula!” Frank yelled. Mikey sighed and stared up at the sky. Why on earth did Frank need a spatula?