What If?

What If We Gave My Chem A Shirt Duing A Concert?

"Are we close enough?"

"I think so!" Nicole shouted. She and Natallie stood in the front of the crowd, surrounded by bodies. My Chemical Romance was giving it their all onstage before them and their anticipation was groing."Okay, you've only got one shot at this, Natallie, so don't miss. No pressure!"

"You know what? Fuck off man. Give me a boost!" Nicole attempted to lift her friend, but failed. At best, she gave her friend some room. The song finished and the crowd went nuts. Now was their chance.

Natallie lifted the shirt and tossed it as hard as she could. Time seemed to stop as the shirt flew over the crowd towards the stage...and right into the mic stand.

"SHIT!" Natallie and Nicole's jaws hit the floor in anticipation.

"What the hell?" Gerard turned to see a lump of white at his feet, with a tag attatched tha said OPEN ME! "Well, alright, let's see here."

He unfurled the lump to find the white tee-shirt, covered in signatures. On the front, in red letters were words that Gerad himself had once spoken.

"We are not a cult, we are an army." He paused, then turned to face his audience. "You know what I have to say about this? Do you know what the HELL I wanna say!? I wanna say FUCK YES!"

The crowd erupted in applause.

"Who threw this bastard?" Natallie and Nicole threw their arms up as high as they could and screamed. "Is this for me?" A thumbs-up and more screams. "Thank you, guys! This is what it's about man. This," he waved the shirt, "is why we do this. Our fans are an army! We are not a fucking cult! You guyare better than that, right? RIGHT?!"

Everyone screamed.

"You guys are the fucking greatest!" Gerard yelled.

Fuck yes.
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The best part is that this might someday become reality! We shall see, we shal see...