I Kidnapped Tokio Hotel From Disneyland

Okay I'm sure you're wondering what the hell is going on. I've claimed to have kidnapped one of Earth's most popular bands from the most magical place many are able to think of. Thank you for clarifying it.
It's a long story you know? I mean, how do you explain something so odd? I'm not sure but I guess I should try, if I want anyone to understand and so no one thinks I'm a complete psycho path. Well honestly, I 'm sure it's a bit late for that request.
  1. Screw Mr. Yum-Yum
    chapter one
  2. Merciful Fan Girls?
    chapter two
  3. No Texting At The Table
    chapter three
  4. Abraham deLacy! Da da da da! Giuseppe Casey! Da d
    chapter four
  5. Bill's Happy Song
    chapter five, *This chapter is from an all around POV because I started writing it that way and didn’t feel like going back…haha yeah*
  6. Class Dismissed . . . idiots
    chapter six