
Chapter 2

I was walking home that same day. School was over. Did I mention that was the last day of school? Well it was. Benny went with some guy friends to the end-of-the-year football game. they were going to have some "Male Bonding". He insisted to walk me home, but I told him I just wanted to have some alone time and think. We were going to spend the whole summer hanging out.

I had a long walk ahead of me. See I go to school in Los Angeles, but I live in East L.A. So walking to my house is a long way. I took out my iPod and put "Lovesong" by The Cure.

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

I was thinking as I listening to the soft melody. This summer was going to be good. I was gonna get some time to write some poetry and hang out with Benny. Which reminded me to call Ana, and tell her about the break-up. She was the only girl I trusted with anything. I just hope there aren't any surprises that may spoil my good mood today.

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

I haven't said anything about Ana, huh? Well, she's the best girl friend a chick could ask for. She ACTUALLY listens! She gives great advice. She can be silly and become serious in a split second. I'm glad she's always there for me. She's not only my best girl friend, but my favorite cousin! She lives in San Diego, but I get to see her like almost every weekend. Well school ended on Wednesday, and todays Wednesday, so 2 more days until I see her. I can't call her because its not the same as in real person.

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

I just hope this summer turns out the way I want it to be.

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

I listened to the songs a few more times, until I got to my house. I took a good look at it. I helped my mom paint it last summer, it used to be a dark brownish color, but faded over the last yeat into a light brown. the windows were white, and so was the door. I passed by the mailbox and looked inside.
I walked up the steps and looked through my purse. I always never seem to find it when I need it, but when I don't need it, I always find it. standing there looking for my key, I remembered I left it in my pocket so I wouldn't have to rummage threw my bag.
Nice, just nice.
I put stuff in specific places, so I don't forget it, but I always forget to check. Yep, I'm not your typical girl.

I slid the key, into the keyhole, and turned it. The door swiftly opened with one push.
"I'm home." I shouted, so whoever was in the house heard me. I dashed up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and walked in. I threw my bag on the floor and turned on my computer. While it warmed up I walked into the bathroom. I removed the make-up I had on. I hate make-up but I only wore a little bit to school. because i don't look very presentable in the mornings. I walked back out of the bathroom and sat on the chairby my desk. I checked my e-mail, and had 1 unread message. it was from Ana:

Hey, Did you break up with Benny already?

Hope it turned out fine.

Well anyways, my parents let me go with your family on your trip!
Isn't that great?

Well, I have to go get some things from the mall. I'll see you Friday morning, my parents are dropping me off at your house, so I can go with you guys.


What the fuck is she talking about?

I dashed downstairs, and went into the kitchen. I swa my 13 year old little brother eating a sandwhich.
I grabbed him by the collar, "What the hell is going on? Whats this 'trip' Ana told me. I know you know about it, because my parents tell you everything before they tell me, so spit it out."

He disgustingly spat out the food from his mouth and said, "Family Vacation."
"What? Did they say where?" I asked my clueless little brother.
"No they said it was going to be a surprise." he said taking another bite of his badly put together sandwhich.
"When did they tell you this?"
"Last night." he said carelessly.
"Last night?!" I shouted.
"Yeah you were asleep, so they didn't bother, because they know how bitchy you get when they wake you up. They called Uncle Jorge, and asked him if Ana could go with us." he said, taking another bite of his sandwhich.
"Who else is going?" I asked him, while opening the fridge, and taking out some apple juice. I poured some into a cup and took a sip out of it. I felt the refreshing apple taste run through my throat.
"Just Ana, me, you, and our old folks." he said as he licked his fingers and ran to the stairs.
Before he went upstairs he said, "We leave Friday morning." was all he said before he ran up the stairs and into his roomm. He was probabbly going to go stare in the mirror at himself. Yeah, you know how 13 year old boys are nowadays.

I put my empty cup in the sink, and went upstairs to call Benny.
I layed on my bed as I dialed his number.
I waited, about 4 rings later he picked up.

"Hey Avalon."
"Hey, oh my god, my parents are taking me on a family vacation! We're leaving on Friday. This just fucking messes up our summer. But, on the brightside I get to see Ana for like 2 and a half months." I said into my cellphone.
"Oh, that does suck. I'm sorry you have to go. I'm going to miss you. Wow, you being gona for 2 and a half months, is like trying to live without air." His voice spilled through the cellphone, as I chuckled at how close we were. 2 and a half months with no Benny, this IS going to suck.
"Yeah, can you come tomorrow?" I pleaded.
"Tomorrow? Ouch, Avalon I'm sorry, but I'm going to my aunts house in Sacramento for the rest of the week, Remember? I told you on Monday, that we couldn't spend this week together, but we would when we came back." He said in a disapointed voice.
"Oh, well I guess I won't see you in 2 and a half months then. I'll miss you." I heard a car parking in our driveway, meaning that my mom was home. She's got alot of explaining to do.
"Hey, Benster, I gotta go, I'll call you later tonight. Love ya!" I hung up on him and ran downstairs and have a long and serious conversationg with my mother.

"Hello Mommy. What's this about a family vacation?" I asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"Oh, Sorry I didn't tell you yesterday, you were asleep. But, yeah its a surprise. We're leaving Friday morning. So i suggest you start packing." She said as she drank a glass of water, and headed upstairs.
"Well, if you don't tell me where we're going then atleast give me a hint, so I know what to pack!" i shouted from the first floor she was upstairs already. She looked down at me and said, "Somewhere warm, Its around here though so don't need to panic." she walked away and out of sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah its gonna get good
trust me once Avalon is in paradise, you'll love it!!!