Call Me Crazy

Shopping with Ashleigh

Wednesday after school, Ashleigh came to my house. My mother wasn’t home, but I’m sure that if she were, she would have been all over Ashleigh, asking how she’s been.

“So, I saw you talking to Adam before I talked to you yesterday,” she hinted, smirking at me. She toyed around- “Come to think of it, he’s been hanging out around you a lot lately.”

“Oh, please, not you too!” I exclaimed, “Alexis thought that on the very first day back here!”

“But he so does like you!” she said enthusiastically. The car swerved a bit.

“Eyes on the road,” I stated, “The only thing that makes me think that he may be the slightest bit interested in me is because he told me he hoped I would win homecoming queen.”

“Yeah, and he will obviously win king so it’s like, destined,” she suggested happily. I laughed a bit.

“Why does it even matter, he’s just, him and I’m me, nothing special there,” I said, shrugging it off.

“But you are a someone,” Ashleigh reassured me, “And he’s an understanding guy, from what I’ve heard at least.” I smiled and we pulled into the parking ramp downtown. We chatted endlessly, just like old times, as we passed numerous boutiques until Ashleigh dragged me into a bleak looking store. There was no one else there, besides the sales people, who watched us like a hawk as we looked through the dresses.

“This is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen,” I whispered to Ashleigh, pointing at a purple dress with quarter-sized sequins. She stifled a giggle, earning a glare from the sales lady. We exchanged looks and decided to leave.

“What was up her ass?” Ashleigh shrieked as soon as we were a good distance from the store. I laughed and pulled her into another store, this one was a vintage store, with warm tones, making it more inviting than the last.

After browsing the store for a while, I came across an asymmetric dress with a bold print. When trying it on, I discovered that it was the perfect one.

“You’re so getting that,” Ashleigh said as I stepped from the fitting room. I twirled around watching the dress flow outward. I giggled like a little girl.

“I second that,” I said, still mesmerized by the blur of colors swirling around my legs. I got a little dizzy and steadied myself on the wall. I smiled woozily and walked back into the fitting room and changed back into my clothes.

“Which converse should I wear with this,” I asked after I had paid and Ashleigh and I had left the store.

“Oh, no you don’t!” she scolded, “You are going to wear girl shoes, because you are a girl.” I laughed.

“But I can’t dance in heels! Plus, I think high tops would look cool with the dress. It’s not like I’m wearing some red carpet dress with my destroyed chucks!” I defended myself.

“But it’s a dress! A girly dress, and-“ she stopped short and gazed into the window of the store we were passing.

“Um, Ashleigh, it’s a comic book store,” I stated, looking at her skeptically.

“Um, I know,” she stammered, “I just, um, never mind,” I opened my mouth to press the issue further, when I caught sight of a familiar face near the back of the store. Ashleigh managed to pull me away before I could say anything. I didn’t need to say anything though; I could wait, and figure out why she acted as she did.

The guy in the store had been Mike.
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Ok, I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry I haven't updated. No excuses this time, I didn't write.
I know this chapter was kinda crappy, so bear with me, maybe I'll get another one out within a week. I think that is a reasonable goal for me, so I'll try.
Comments anyone??
thanks to my regular commenters as well, I'm glad you are sticking with the story <3

Peace&Love, Erin