Call Me Crazy

So Close

I walked away from her after that, absolutely stunned. Had I really just made a truce with her? I must not have been in the right state of mind or something. I turned the corner, and almost ran into Ben, who was standing with his back turned to me. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around, greeting me with a smile.

“Hey, you did great out there,” he told me. I laughed nervously.

“Thanks,” I added, fidgeting with my hands a bit. He furrowed his brow.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Nothing,” I said quickly before changing the subject, “Where’s Kevin?” At this he sighed disapprovingly at me for avoiding his question.

“He’s in the bathroom,” Ben informed me, indicating with his thumb to the door a few feet from us. I nodded in understanding and looked off to the distance. It was silent for a while, a peaceful sort of silence though. Ben was simply standing beside me, looking out across the horizon. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, and listened to everything that would reach my ears. There was an excited buzz from the student section as the 4th quarter neared its end, the sound of friends gossiping, a breeze through the trees, and the soft sound of Ben breathing. I could just barely detect it over everything else, but it was there.

I opened my eyes once again to be met with his hazel orbs. We weren’t that far apart, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. He was the one who spoke first.

“You know, there’s a good chance you’re going to win tomorrow,” he stated.

“That could happen,” I simply replied.

“And you’ll have your dance with prince charming,” He scoffed, referring to Adam.

“Yeah, so I will dance, and that will be that,” I said, letting my lips curl into a shy smile.

“So, then,” Ben paused, looking away for a second, “So does that mean you’ll save a dance for me?” My heart flipped. And when I didn’t respond, I watched as he stuttered over words, “I mean, as friends if you want. That’s what Alexis and John are doing, I think.”

“It’s okay,” I said, smiling shyly, “I’ll dance with you,” He let out a huge sigh, and started to say something else, when we were, unfortunately, interrupted.

“Hey guys!” Kevin clipped, coming up from behind us. I jumped, and Ben just flinched.

“Hey Kevin,” I said, smiling at his crazy antics, trying to push the thought of Ben actually wanting to dance with me. I tried to forget how close Ben and I had just been, I tried to forget the conversation I had had with Mackenzie, and I tried to forget the feeling that I had just felt.

Pushing that feeling out of my head was going to prove to be harder than I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
an update. I have another almost done (no lie!) and I hope to get it out later this weekend.
thanks everyone who's sticking with my slow updates =]
Comments please!!!

Peace&Love, Erin