Call Me Crazy


After saying goodbye to Adam and kissing him lightly on the cheek, I left to find my friends. On my way there, I ran into Ashleigh and Mike. Ashleigh gave me a “We’ll talk” look. I raised my eyebrows, but didn’t question it. I found Alexis, Ben, Kevin, and John waiting for me near the exit. Again, half of the group was glaring at me. What the hell did I do wrong? I wondered.

“Ready to go?” it was Kevin who broke the silence, though the tension still existed.

“Sure,” I replied and we silently walked out to the car. Ben wasn’t meeting my eyes, John was glaring at me, and Alexis was giving me a look similar to the one Ashleigh had given me only minutes before.

“Is everyone alright?” I hesitantly asked, once situated in the back seat.

“Just peachy,” John said through gritted teeth. No one else said anything, so I dropped it. Kevin pulled up to my house first. I had just stepped out of the car and was ready to shut the door, when Alexis stopped me. She leaned forward.

“I’m going to call you when I get home,” She said quietly, but I could tell she was holding back some emotion. I just nodded, “Keep your phone on.” She added before I closed the door and walked up to my front door. I heard the car pull out o the driveway and drive away, the sound of the humming tires growing fainter. I was still mesmerized by the events of tonight.

I stuck my key in the lock and entered my house. I figured that my parents must have already been sleeping, so I quietly made my way up to my room. I undressed and put on a pair of old sweatpants and a t-shirt before going to my bathroom. I shoved a toothbrush into my mouth. Not long after, I felt my phone vibrate from within my pocket. Taking it out, I saw it was Alexis.

“Hey,” I answered casually after I had put my toothbrush away.

“Hey? What do you mean ‘Hey’?” Alexis shrieked. Whoa, I so had not been expecting this sort of a response. I padded softly back into my room and flopped down on my bed.

“Huh?” I asked.

“Oh my lord, you cannot possibly be that oblivious!” she exclaimed.

“What do you mean? Tell me!” I demanded.

“You and Adam!” she said, her voice rose slightly. I still didn’t understand.

“What about us?” I asked, hoping to get clarification.

“So the two of you are an ‘us’ now? You’re an item? Dating? A relationship?” She was really worked up about this.

“I don’t understand what your point is. Yeah, he asked me out and I said yes. I like him, is that so hard to understand?” Now I was getting angered. What was her problem?

“You know what? Just forget it, I’m just wasting my time if you still don’t get it.” She said bitterly.

“You’re the one speaking freaking Greek! You expect me to know what you’re talking about what you’re not telling me anything!” I accused. The line was silent for a while.

“Fine,” She spoke slowly, “You’re going out with Adam, our you’re going to start dating him, whatever. You pretty much killed Ben tonight. John is siding with Ben, and I’m siding with John. I’m sorry.” And she hung up. I stared at my phone.

I had hurt Ben? How? And what’s with the whole “sides” thing? And with that I fell into a restless, dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, it's a short chapter, I know, but I have another one almost done.
Plus I dont have school tomorrow, and i dont have any homework tonight, so expect that other one out before Wednesday. =)

This story has 70 comments. 70!!! and 40 subscribers!!! I feel so loved *hugs to everyone who reads this*


Peace&Love, Erin