Call Me Crazy

And Monday Came...

School on Monday was not how I’d expected it to be. Of course, Adam greeted me in the hallways and talked to me during Chemistry, but Alexis wouldn’t look at me in homeroom or history, and John and Ben avoided me in the hallways. The only one talking to me was Kevin. I tried to talk to him during Math, but I gave up when Mr. Carson told us to shut up. Instead I waited until PE.

“So what’s going on,” I asked Kevin. It may have come across harsh, but I was a bit annoyed.

“You’re asking me?” He asked, dumbfounded. We were running around the gym. Five laps were expected.

“Yeah, so why were you spying on Adam and I on Sunday?” I asked. He looked shocked as if that was not the question he had been expecting.

“What do you mean?” He stuttered. I sighed.

“Adam and I were at the park yesterday. He was about to kiss me, when your car sped past and blared the horn!” I exclaimed.

“What do you mean? That wasn’t me?” He defended.

“Wait, what?” I was confused now, “It was your Honda though. The same license plate and everything!” Kevin license plate had been customized to say “KEVBEAR.” Don’t ask, there’s a long story behind that one. The license plate combined with his array of bumper stickers made his car easily recognizable.

“You’re sure?” He asked, but then stopped running altogether, “Shit.”

“What,” I asked, stopping running as well.

“I gave John and Ben my car to get pizza; they were hanging at my place,” He explained.

“So you just let them use your car?” I asked skeptically.

“Jacobson! Peters!” Mr. Cole barked at us and we turned towards the sound, “Get back to running, this is physical education, not free hour,” I sighed and started jogging slowly with Kevin matching my pace.

“So they were the ones who honked the horn. John and Ben,” I mused.

“Apparently, but don’t be mad at them,” Kevin sounded serious.

“Not you too!” I wailed. He just sent me a firm look. I hushed.

“Alexis was right, you really are oblivious,” Kevin said sadly, sighing as we finished our last lap. Everyone else had long since finished, and I dragged myself to the locker room to change back into my regular clothes. Kevin was waiting for me outside in the hall when I finished. He remained grim as we walked towards where we usually ate lunch; it was as if he knew what was coming.

“Hey,” I greeted Alexis and John. Ben was sitting with his back turned so I couldn’t see his face. They gave me no glares, but just blank looks. Kevin gave me a sad smile and sat down. Sighing, I followed his lead. We all remained silent, and it was starting to bug me, but I let it go, at least they weren’t yelling at me. yet.

“Niki!” A voice called from behind me. I turned around and Alexis and John looked up. Ben still wasn’t paying attention. Adam was walking over to me. I let a smile play on my lips before standing up to hug him.

“I was wondering if you’d want to eat lunch with me today,” He asked, the autumn wind jostling his hair.

“Uh,” I said, looking back at my friends for help, but they just stared at me, expecting an answer.

“Does it even fucking matter anymore, Niki?” John spat bitterly. I turned to him sharply, appalled by his harsh statement.

“Go with your boyfriend,” Ben grumbled, his back still to us. That one hurt, “I should have just stayed away from you.” Just like what he had said in the beginning of the year. Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to fall, but I kept my face calm, forcing the tears to stay where they were.

“Fine,” I said, the voice foreign. I turned on my heal, interlaced my fingers in Adam’s, and walked off, my heart heavy and my thoughts clouded.

Adam and I sat down on a patch of grass after we were out of their sight. I sighed and leaned my head on his broad shoulder. He put his arm around me, supporting me.

“Are you going to be okay, babe?” he asked me softly.

“Yeah,” I sighed, “I’m not going to make a big deal out of this,” but in my head, I already was.

“You’re sure?” He asked again, concerned.

“Yeah, it will work out in time,” I said, trying to convince myself. I hope it will.
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Eight stars. How many times have I told you all that I love you? Probably not enough =]

Comments and subscriptions are love ^_^

Peace&Love, Erin