Call Me Crazy


I looked at the clock. It was quarter after nine. I would still have time. I slipped on my Vans quickly, pulled on a hoodie, and dashed down the stairs and out of the front door. I started my car and drove as quickly as possible to Ben’s house. I reached it in less than five minutes (while doubling the speed limit, I’m sure). I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell four times, impatiently.

A middle-aged woman answered the door, looking slightly annoyed. I gave a sheepish smile.

“Is Ben home?” I asked quickly, trying not to sound rude.

“Yes, he is,” The woman, who I’m assuming is his mom, said hesitantly, “And you are?”

“I’m Niki, I’m a friend. May I see him?” I asked, trying not to look anxious.

“Yes, but are you aware of what time it is?” She was skeptical, I could tell.

“Yes, I am fully aware, but I am also aware that this is very important, I assure you,” I told her firmly, craning my neck to see inside in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ben.

“Oh, well, make it quick,” His mom told me, allowing me in. I quickly slipped off my shoes so I would not irritate her any more and bounded down the stairs to Ben’s large makeshift room. It was just as messy as I had remembered it, and there, sitting on the edge of the bed, with headphones on loud, was Ben.

With anticipation and excitement, my heart began to beat rapidly. He wouldn’t hear if he tried, for his music was loud, but I called his name anyway. It felt good to say his name aloud, rather than just think it. I walked slowly forward, carefully stepping around Monster cans and crumpled up pieces of paper. Too soon I was facing him, but only to find his eyes were closed, and his head bowed down. He hadn’t seen me or heard me yet.

I knelt down to where my face was even with his, and I gently took off his headphones. His head jolted up and his eyes opened in surprise as I did so.

“Hey,” I said, smiling softly at him. So many emotions were passing over his face. He was happy, he was confused, but more or less, he looked alive. I then surprised myself by pulling him into a firm embrace. No, it wasn’t a hug, it was more special, more intimate, more feelings shared.

“Oh my gosh, Nikki,” He held me into him and all I could do was smile as he held me in his lap. This was how it was supposed to feel, how it was supposed to be. We remained in this comfortable position until a knocking on the door interrupted us.

“Oh, well this is awkward,” came the voice of his mom. I blushed, and I heard Ben groan. She continued, “I was just coming in to see if Niki was ready to go home, but…” She trailed off.

“It’s okay, mom, Niki can stay here tonight,” Ben informed his mom. All I could do was smile.

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you two in the morning then,” His mom said uncertainly, “Make good decisions,” She added before leaving. I looked at Ben and raised an eyebrow. He just rolled his eyes.

“That’s her way of saying ‘Don’t have sex,’” He informed me. I giggled and then we fell into a comfortable silence.

“I missed you a lot,” I said after a while.

“Hmm,” Ben hummed with his chin on top of my head, so I felt a few vibrations.

“I really did. Though I admit, it took me a while to figure everything out,” I said sheepishly, glad that he couldn’t see my face.

“Figure what—Oh, that,” Ben replied, sounding nervous. I pulled from his embrace so I could face him.

“Yeah, that,” I said softly, smiling at the way he began to fidget with his hair. I leaned forward slightly so that my forehead met his. He sighed and stopped messing with his hair, only to start playing with my hair, which is a mess by the way.

“What would happen if we kissed?” Ben asked me hesitantly.

“What do you mean?” I breathed, a bit confused.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” His tone wasn’t harsh or rude, and I allowed myself a moment to think.

“No,” I said after a while. What had happened between Adam and I, I wasn’t even sure of. He had basically let me go so I could be with my friends again and so that I would talk to Ben: because Adam knew what I didn’t.

Ben looked shocked, but he didn’t protest or ask any questions. He did not act smug or happy that I was no longer with Adam, and soon his expression became content.

Our lips met, and it was bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but important. I'm not good at writing romantic scenes, or kissing scenes because I've never been kissed *cries* so I probably will never go into extreme kissing detail until that happens xD

I SAW WE THE KINGS LAST NIGHT! It was the Secret Valentine Tour and it was AMAZING. Go to my journal: It's kind of long, and maybe that's why no one has commented on it T.T
But there are pics and links to my photobucket with even MORE pics that I took at the concert.

IMPORTANT!!!!! do any of you guys have a Mac computer? I'm trying to upload a video to youtube and it keeps saying "Unable to convert to video file" If any of my 65 subscribers know how, please tell me! I spent much of the afternoon trying to figure it out O_O

Third Trimester starts tomorrow for school. And I'm nervous like I always am, because that means new classes, and I hate starting new classes. However, spring break is two weeks away! =D =D =D

I'm going to end this extremely long author's note now, if any of you are still reading this....

Peace&Love, Erin