Call Me Crazy

The Final Battle

I woke up in Ben’s arms. Not. Instead, I woke up alone on his bed, confused as to why his arms were not wrapped around me like they were when I had drifted to sleep. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I groggily propped myself up using my elbows and glanced around. My eyes followed the sheets from where they were tangled around my feet, to off the side of the bed. I leaned over to see Ben sprawled out on the floor, sound asleep.

He lay on his stomach, with his right arm wrapped around his pillow, which I assume fell off the bed with him sometime during the night, while his other arm lay in some odd twisted position. I giggled softly, but it seemed to be enough to wake him. His left arm sleepily reached out, searching for something. When his hand found nothing but air, his brow furrowed in his semi conscious state and he sat up, looking around, confused.

“I’m up here,” I called teasingly. Ben squinted, letting his eyes adjust to the morning light.

“How did I—“ he drifted off, his voice dry and hoarse from sleep. I shrugged and smiled, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Ben got up and sat next to me.

“I seriously have no idea how I ended up on the floor,” He said once he had awoken more, “And I was worried when you weren’t next to me,”

“I was worried too when I woke up, but then I saw you on the floor and it was funny,” I grinned at him. And then I remembered. It’s Monday. “Shit, Ben, what time is it?”

“I dunno,” He said lazily, before turning to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand. “Shoot!” He exclaimed, “We’ve got to hurry, it’s already eight!” I watched him scramble around, grabbing random clothes and running to the bathroom. I remained sitting for a while, before I realized I had nothing to wear. I was still in my jeans and t-shirt from yesterday.

“Hey Ben,” I called towards the bathroom door, “Can I borrow a shirt?” I asked.

“Sure,” was his muffled reply. It sounded like he had a toothbrush in his mouth. Searching through the piles of clothes, I managed to find a clean Atreyu tee and slipped it on. It smelled good.

I glanced at the clock again. It was now 8:15; we still had a few minutes, since school starts at 8:30. I ran up the stairs, expecting to see his mom, but the house was empty. I opened the freezer and searched for Eggo waffles. Finding them, I put four into the toaster oven and slipped on my shoes. Ben was up in a minute, and ran out to the car. The waffles were done moments later, and I grabbed all four of them on my way outside.

“Waffles, kind sir?” I said jokingly, tossing two of the waffles at him.

“Thanks,” He said, smiling, before stuffing them in his mouth. In less than a minute, they were gone. I, on the other hand, at my two waffles slowly, savoring the sweet and crunchy treat.

At 8:28 we pulled into the school parking lot, and after nearly running over three freshmen and one bad park job, we were running into the school building, hand in hand. I ignored the weird looks we were getting, because apparently it had gotten out that Adam and I had broken up, and made my way to my locker.

“Well that was eventful,” I said, out of breath as I dialed in my combination.

“Yeah, let’s not do that again,” He said, joking lightly, “Or at least set an alarm next time,” Ben winked and I slapped his arm playfully. Just then, the bell rang, signaling that we had four minutes to get to homeroom.

“I better get going,” Ben said, giving me a hug.

“Yup, see you later!” I called as he turned again. Smiling, I got my books and headed towards homeroom. In homeroom, Alexis still didn’t look my way, but considering she was usually out of the loop of gossip, she hadn’t found out about Adam and I yet, so it didn’t matter. Kevin only gave me a sad smile in Math, and in History, Alexis ignored me again.

Entering the Chemistry room, I smiled weakly at Adam. He nodded at me knowingly. I assumed it meant he had seen Ben and I walking into school together. I smiled to myself at the thought of Ben. Chemistry passed slowly, and when the bell rang, I couldn’t have been any more relieved. I ran to the locker room to get ready for PE. It was Monday, meaning free day, so I hoped for a chance to talk to Kevin.

“Kevin!” I called as I ran over to him. He was sitting by himself on the bleachers, waiting for Mr. Cole to take attendance. He looked up as I called to him, and he smiled. He smiled. A real smile. Not a sad smile, not a forced smile, no, he looked happy to see me.

“Hey!” He greeted me warmly, then he looked worried, “Look, you probably hate me, but this morning I head a bunch of things about how you and Adam broke up and that you and Ben came to school together, and I’m really glad that things worked out for you, but I feel bad that I left you, and that—”

“It’s fine,” I said, cutting him off, “I forgive you. It’s hard to stay mad at you. The others, well, that will be more difficult for me,” I explained.

“Really?” Kevin asked me hopefully. I nodded. “Yay!” He squealed, hugging me.

“Yo Bitch,” I looked up to see Mackenzie standing over me.

“Isn’t this where we left off last time?” I asked dryly. “And my name isn’t Bitch. It’s Niki, and if you can’t get it right, just leave.” I was standing up for myself for once, and it felt good.

“Like it matters,” She scoffed, “You’ve been such a whore all along, and you do know that right?” she asked with a fake sweetness.

“No, apparently I missed that memo, because apparently having a boyfriend makes someone a whore. Is that what you’re implying?” I challenged. At this point, we had gathered a small crowd. About half the PE class was around us now.

“How about having two boyfriends, huh?” She smirked. I raised an eyebrow and she elaborated, “Adam and Ben?” My mouth gaped. That’s what she thought?

“You don’t know anything,” I sputtered, and she sensed my weakness. I had faltered, and she was ready to attack again.

“You must think you’re some pretty special whore, to come waltzing back here from some innocent backwoods life and snatch up any guy you please. This is my school. And I don’t tolerate whores—”

“Shut the fuck up Mackenzie,” Kevin spoke up. I inhaled sharply. It wasn’t like Kevin to swear so harshly.

“Excuse me?” Mackenzie replied, amused by Kevin’s outburst.

“You’re one to be talking, you think that Niki is a whore? That’s what you think?” Kevin challenged her, “You’re dead wrong and you don’t know half the story. And speaking of whores, I think you are one. So don’t go calling my best friend a whore when you’re the one hanging of a different guy every day. You’re just jealous that Niki is a gorgeous girl inside and out and all you have to offer are your implanted breasts. Grow up, Mackenzie, and leave us alone.”

When Kevin finished. The whole room was silent. Mackenzie was shocked. She didn’t look mad, but she looked embarrassed, like something that Kevin had said affected her. I was the first to move. I placed my hand on Kevin’s shoulder, and he turned to me and gave a sheepish smile. I grinned back and hugged him tightly. One person started a slow clap, and before long, everyone was applauding. I chuckled at how over used the slow clap was, however, it fit for this moment.

“What’s going on here?” Mr. Cole’s voice boomed, and we all turned to look. He had his clipboard and was ready to take attendance, however he looked confused at the congregation around the bleachers. “Never mind, just start your activity,” He instructed. The circle around us began to disperse. Mackenzie turned away, her lackeys following her, but I stopped her.

“Mackenzie,” I said slowly, trying to ignore all the curious stares from the rest of the PE class, “I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone from now on. Drama is not meant for me,” She simply nodded, and with a flip of her hair, she turned and walked off.

“Are you okay?” Kevin asked.

“Never been better.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was kind of a long one! Whoo! I also want you to know that this is coming to an end soon, and I really had hoped to finish it by wednesday, because on Thursday (at four in the morning) I'm leaving for the airport, and I wont get back for almost two weeks. I will be in South America, and I'm pretty sure they don't have internet in the Amazon xD

So anyway, I wanted to finish it by Wednesday, but I don't think that's going to happen, because I still have a lot of packing left to do, but I leave you with this:
My new story!
It's another romance/teen/high school thing, but I like it a lot more than this one, because I think it's a tad bit more original. I would L-O-V-E it if you read it and commented, because I really hope that story does as well as this one, and this one's almost over *sob*

I'm going to end my rambling now ^_^

Peace&Love, Erin