Call Me Crazy


I stared at the three girls with my mouth hanging open. All three girls were dressed similarly in Ugg boots, miniskirts, and Abercrombie & Fitch shirts. The girl that had spoken I remembered was Mackenzie, one of the girls that had teased me. The girl to the left of her I didn’t recognize, but when I noticed the girl on her right, my throat tightened.

“Ashleigh?” I choked out, dumbfounded by her conformed attire. As I said her name, Mackenzie and the other girl turned to look at Ashleigh, equally confused. Ashleigh looked like she didn’t know what to say, and she never had a chance to either.

“Niki! Over here,” I turned to see John and Alexis waving at me to come over to them. With out further thought to the identical preps behind me, I walked towards my new friends.

“What did they say to you?” John inquired.

“Not much, just the standard ‘get out of the way, freak,’” I said, leaving out the part about Ashleigh. I could tell them later.

“Then you got off easy,” Alexis said, “They’ve been bitchier.”

Suddenly, Kevin ran up to us and slung his arms around John and I. Alexis just watched, amused. “Guess what?” he yelled in our ears but he continued without leaving us time to respond, “They were brewing a new coffee at Starbucks this morning, and it was really good, so I bought a venti!”

“Wow, Kevin, are you sure you only had one cup,” John said, rubbing his ear.

“No, I had a tall first and I liked it so much I bought a venti,” Kevin exclaimed.

“I take it wasn’t decaf,” I muttered quietly, but Alexis heard me and cracked a smile.

“Can I see your schedule?” Alexis asked and I gave it to her. She looked it over before handing it back, smiling. “We have homeroom together, second period history, and sixth period English together.” I smiled.

Kevin snatched the schedule out of my hands and looked it over, “We only have PE fourth period and fifth period Spanish together,” he pouted. John looked over Kevin’s shoulder at my schedule and smiled.

“I have first period math with you, so I’ll see you after this,” he said, waving and heading off. The only classes I didn’t have anyone in were seventh period art and third period chemistry. It seemed as if I might actually survive this year, I thought with a smile.

“Let’s go,” Alexis chirped, linking arms with me and dragging me off to homeroom. We arrived and began to make our way to some seats in the back of the room when the teacher stopped me.

“You’re Nichole Jacobson, correct?” the middle aged man questioned.

“Yeah,” I said, slightly unsure.

“I’m Mr. Stewart. Would you like to tell us about yourself?” he asked and the whole class turned to look at me.

“No,” I simply said, before going to sit with Alexis. I heard him mutter something as he made his way up to his desk to take attendance.

“Nice,” Alexis said, jabbing me in the ribs with her elbow, “You’re on his bad side now, but I have to admit, that was pretty sweet.” I smirked and focused my attention on doodling on my notebook.
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not much to say here today... :)
I would love reviews!!! *hint hint* :P

Peace&Love, Erin