Status: On hiatus

Lost Rivals

First Times


I couldn’t believe that he could even think of tracking me down after all that had happened! I mean, we hadn't spoken in over a year. I thought this part of my life was over; a closed book. Obviously I was wrong. This was so sick and twisted. What on earth was I going to do now? It’s not like I had Jess to help me. It’s not like I can actually tell Billie Joe and Adrienne about this sicko.

I was so immersed in my own thoughts that I didn’t hear Adrienne come into the bathroom looking for me to tell me that dinner was ready. She had obviously noticed I had been crying because she walked slowly over to me and began to speak in a soft voice.

“Tillie, honey, I know this is all strange and new to you and I promise everything will get better. I just want you to know that Billie Joe and I love you a lot, even though I know you don’t love us yet. I hope one day you’ll feel the same but for now I just want you to get used to these surroundings.”

She touched my cheek softly while I nodded my head.

It was better for her to think I was upset because everything was so new and weird for me. Don’t get me wrong, I AM completely devastated with everything that has happened recently but that psycho old man getting back in contact with me again was just the icing on the cake that just pushed me that extra step off the edge.

“Tillie, we’re having fried chicken for dinner. You should come down and eat with us if you're hungry…” Adrienne trailed off and began padding out of the room which was now mine toward the staircase.

After a while, I stood up and made my way over to the mirror near the bath and studied my reflection. I ruffled my black and pink hair and stared deep into my green eyes. I scoffed to myself; I looked nothing like Billie Joe or for that matter Adrienne. Everyone used to say that Daniel and I were the ones who looked identical. Well, since we’re not even related, there goes that theory!

Once I knew I looked better, I walked downstairs and attempted to find the dining room. This was not an easy task considering I didn’t know where anything was.

It took me a little while but eventually I found some lovely French doors leading into a well set out room. It was all blue with black carpet and mahogany furniture. To the back of the room I saw a large brown dining table where Billie and Adrienne were dining together and chatting happily.

I trudged over to them and cleared my throat.

“Hey, you made it kiddo! Sit down!” Billie exclaimed and motioned for me to sit down next to him. I did as I was told. Adrienne finished her mouthful of chicken and jumped up from the table.
When she returned, she was carrying a plate of food and a cup of juice. She set the steaming plate of fried chicken, peas and mashed potato in front of me along with the glass of cranberry juice.

All in all, it was a lovely meal. I actually found my first dinner with my new family to be quite pleasant and I enjoyed myself.


At about 11:30 that evening, I sat alone in my new room on my new bed reading a ‘Guitar World’ magazine that was in one of the dresser drawers. Billie came into my room a few minutes later and lay down on the bed next to me.

“So, how are you finding you time here? I know you haven’t been here long but have you enjoyed today…even remotely?”

He looked so funny just sitting there waiting for my answer that I couldn’t help but giggle. ‘Yeah, it sure is strange, but I’m sure I’ll fit in here soon enough, I guess.” I replied.

Billie nodded and smiled. Then he did something I was not expected; he leaned in and gave me a small, quick kiss on the forehead before exiting my room.

I smiled a bit. The person I thought was my dad for seventeen years had never kissed me goodnight. I was kind of grateful to Billie for making me feel so at home on this first day.

As I drifted off to sleep in this strange town, in this strange house, with these strange people, in a strange room, in a strange bed; I was finally content. I didn’t even think about the phone call I received earlier.

Maybe things would work out for me after all…