Status: On hiatus

Lost Rivals

Backstage And Billie Joe Armstrong

It took them what seemed like forever to make their way to the back of the large stage and to a private marquee that was sectioned off to the public with a red rope and at least five security guards standing watch. “Oh, shit how are we going to get through this?” Jess wailed and looked to Tillie with pleading eyes as though she had the answers.

“Uhh, pretend that we are part of the touring crew and that we’re delivering that merch to them okay? But we have to look completely confident and like we are supposed to be doing this.” Tillie offered.

This satisfied Jessica a great deal and they strutted their way toward the marquee.

All seemed to be going well until they got within five meters of the marquee.

“What are you girls doing here?” One of the guards sneered as though he’d seen many other fans try the same thing.

“We’re with the band!” Jess announced and attempted to move closer to the marquee containing her favourite band.

The guards were about to shove the girls on when Billie Joe began to walk past looking like he had just come out of some sort of shower with a beer in hand. Jessica automatically started screaming things at him such as “I love you, marry me, please I love you!!!!” and tried to struggle from the grasp of the guards. Billie turned and waved at her and then turned to Tillie to wave at her just as he took another sip of his beer. He looked at her and immediately spat his mouthful out in shock and his eyes bugged out of his head.

Tillie Ilene was extremely surprised at his reaction and turned bright red. Billie Joe continued to look at her like she was an alien from another planet. Like the black and pink hair that Tillie was sporting was something out of the ordinary.

“Is there something wrong Mr. Armstrong?” A security guard asked him as he continued to stare at Tillie.

“No, everything is fine.” Billie managed as he stood up a little straighter and blinked a few times. He turned to walk away from the scene but he stopped and spun around, once again his bright green eyes focused on Tillie Ilene. “Okay, I'm going to sound crazy but is your name Tillena?” Billie Joe asked as he moved closer to Tillie.

Jessica’s eyes were as wide as saucers and she finally broke the guard’s iron grip and ran over to Tillie. “No way man, you know Billie Joe? Why didn’t you tell me!!?” She screeched in Tillie’s ear.

“I didn’t tell you because I don’t know Billie Joe personally, I have no idea how he knows my name…” Tillie replied, her own bright green eyes never leaving the gaze of Billie.