Status: On hiatus

Lost Rivals

Truth At Last

“Mr. Armstrong, this girl is indeed your daughter. Congratulations.” The nurse smiled brightly, turned around and wandered off.

I turned to Billie Joe. He was smiling uncontrollably and I just felt like dying. This meant that I had to hold up my end of the bargain and travel to Oakland with him and meet the rest of my ‘family’ I really felt like I was going to be sick. My whole world had just come crashing down before me, everything I knew, well thought I knew about my life was a huge lie. I remember feeling dizzy and then drifting off into a peaceful blackness.


Tillie stirred for a second and opened her eyes. She was in the back seat of Billie’s car and he was in the driver’s seat. She sat up a bit and looked out of the window. They were speeding off somewhere but Tillie had no idea where.

“Uh, Billie Joe, where are we going?” Tillie asked groggily.

Billie didn’t answer he just hunched over the steering wheel more and planted his foot harder on the accelerator.

“Billie?” Tillie enquired again.

Billie sighed and thought, “What the fuck is this? Twenty questions or something?” He just shook his head and began, “Tillie, we’re going to the airport. We’re going back to Oakland.”

Tillie was alarmed at what he was saying. What about her clothes and possessions? Billie Joe seemed to read her mind and briefly glanced into the back at Tillie. “Adrienne will take you shopping when we get home and you can get whatever you want okay? Don’t worry about your old stuff.”

Tillie smiled at the thought of having new things, something she had not had the luxury of for over a year.

“Thanks, Billie.”

“No problem. By the way, that was one heck of a panic attack you had there.” Billie chuckled a bit and released some of his grip on the steering wheel.

Tillie still had a sore head. It felt like it was going to explode. Panic attack?

“I had a panic attack, Billie? Wow I don’t remember a thing…except the most important thing that is.” Tillie sighed.

“Yeah, you get them from your old man; I suffer from panic attacks if you didn’t know.”

Tillie did not like Billie Joe’s reference to himself as her “old man” She thought that she would never get used to thinking of the man that her very own best friend would dream about every night as her ‘daddy dearest.’ Tillie refrained from answering him and was happy that he did not push for anymore conversation.

As they pulled into the airport, the only thoughts running through Billie’s mind was “Oh my Lord, I can’t believe that I found my daughter…MY DAUGHTER!”

Whereas Tillie's thought patterns were more like; “Shit, what have I gotten myself into?”

Silent tears dribbled down Tillie’s cheeks. Everything was changing around her and she couldn’t stop it.

“I wonder what surprises Oakland will hold for me.” Tillie whispered to herself.

Boy is she going to get a shock when she arrives at ‘home’. Nothing could ever prepare her for what lies ahead in her future.