Status: finished

Some People Have It and Other People Don't

The Neigbhors Have Complained

I walked into the club and smiled. The DJ was playing good music for the first time ever.

Claire and James headed to the dance floor immediately to dance. And by dancing, I mean basically have sex with clothes on.

I, on the other hand, went to the bar. I would drink here a bit before dancing. Drinking always got me loosened up.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked me as I sat down.

"Sex on the Beach" I replied, smirking.

He didn't card me because everyone was carded at the door. He made my drink and gave it to me. I sipped at it idly and glanced around the bar for any cute strangers to dance with. So far, no one was really catching my fancy.

Five drinks later, a tall, skinny guy with long brown hair walked up to me. He looked tipsy, but really cute.

"Hey, wanna dance?" He asked, smiling. He had the cutest smile, and I was getting drunk, so I ignored my conscience, which was telling me not to cheat on Damien, and smiled flirtatiously.

"Of course," I accepted, and stood up. I stumbled a bit, but he held onto me and led me out to the dance floor.

"So, what's your name?" He asked, holding onto my hips as he grinded with me to the music.

"Emily de Lima," I answered, "Yours?"

"Bill Beckett," He said in my ear softly. I could feel him tense behind me, although I didn't know why.

"Is it a secret?" I asked.

He spun me around to face him. His eyes were as confused as I felt. "Don't you know me?"

"Should I?"

He relaxed a bit. "No, never mind."

"Okay," I turned back around so we could continue dancing.

"Tell me a bit about yourself Emily de Lima."

"Okay, um, I'm 21 years old, I'm studying for a degree in psychotherapy, I don't like commitment, I'm half English and half Brazilian and I'm looking for a sexy scene guy here so I can dump my loser boyfriend. What about you?"

"I'm 23, I make my living off of singing in a band, my middle name's Eugene, I love Lord of the Rings, but hate Harry Potter and I'm left handed."

I laughed. "William Eugene Beckett? Your parents must hate you or something."

"What's your middle name then Miss Emily de Lima?"


He was silent for a bit. "Fine, you win."

I smirked. "I always win."

"Well, since you won, you need a prize. How about I buy you a drink?"

I stopped dancing and turned to face him. "That sounds great." I said, the flirtatious smile back on my face. Hey, a free drink is a free drink.

He bought me a Long Island Iced Tea. I had never had one before, but it was really good and got me drunk fast. He had a few too, so we were hammered pretty quickly.

"So, tell me more about yourself Miss Emily Jacinta de Lima."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, what's your favorite color?"

"Black, most definitely. What about you?"

"Green. What's your favorite type of music?"

"Death metal and hard rock. You?"


"You mean pansy music?"


"Alright, alright, I won't insult your musical tastes. Ask me more questions"

"Where do you live?"

"Brooklyn. You?"


"Whoa, you came out far. Why are you here?"

"I'm traveling with my friends. Okay, next question…do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, a younger sister and a baby half-sister. What about you?"

"Yeah, I have a sister. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?"

"The ability to turn invisible. You?"

"The ability to fly. Um, are you a virgin?"

"Getting a little personal, aren't you?" I giggled tipsily. "No. Are you?"

"No," He said, staring at me. I giggled nervously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Did you know that when you're drunk, you have the hottest British accent?" He asked, his eyes trained on my face. "And I'm thinking about kissing you with insane amounts of passion."

I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back, and I leaned even more into him. The leaning eventually caused my chair to fall over, landing me on my ass.

William picked me up and again we were attached at the lips. We separated only to move into a dark corner of the club so we wouldn't be interrupted. Our kisses increased in passion and I felt his warm hands under my shirt. I buried my hands in his brown hair and pulled him closer to me.

"Oh my God, you're an awesome kisser," he breathed, moving his lips to my neck.

I moaned in response, and tilted my head so that more of my neck was exposed.

He continued nipping at my neck, and bit down hard at the most tender spot where my neck meets my shoulder. There was going to be a hickey there tomorrow. Luckily I didn't have any classes or I'd be getting many dirty looks from my professors.

Things got more heated and Bill's hands crept higher under my shirt. Someone walking by shouted to us, "Get a room!"

Bill and I looked into each other's eyes. He raised his eyebrows and I smiled, body language for "Do you wanna?" and "Yeah, sure." We stumbled out of the club, hanging onto each other for support. This wasn't such a good idea because when I started to fall, so did he and we both ended up on the ground.

Good location put a motel down the street. We managed to look sober enough to rent a room for the night. We ran to the room, snagging kisses from each other as we went.
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I found this little excerpt on Wikipedia.

"In most countries of Latin America and some countries of East Asia, motels are also known as short-time hotels, and offer a short-time or "transit" stay with hourly rates primarily intended for people having sexual liaisons and not requiring a full night's accommodation. In Mexico love hotel equivalents are known as "Motel de paso" (Passing Motel) (even if they are actually meant mostly for pedestrian access). In Colombia and Brazil, motels are used by people for sexual intercourse only. In Argentina these establishments are called albergue transitorio ("temporary lodging"), though known as telo in vesre-slang. In Panama love hotels are known as Push Bottoms. In Singapore, cheap hotels often offer a slightly more euphemistic "transit" stay for short-time visitors. In Manila, a campaign against the hotels, believed by religious conservatives to contribute to social decay in the predominantly Roman Catholic country, ended with the city banning hotels from offering stays of very short duration. As of December 2006 there are still many short time hotels in operation. In Belgium and France, these establishments are known as hôtels de passe. In Chile, they are known as moteles parejeros (coupling motels), and many of them offer hourly rates. In the United States and Canada, some ordinary motels in low income areas—often called no-tell motels or hot sheet motels—play a similar role to love hotels."
