Do You Want To Know A Secret?

Do You Want To Know A Secret?

You know, I never understood why they called L.A the City of Angels. Because I don't think I've ever seen a less angelic city in all my years.

Not that I've been out of L.A, that is. But I know what's out there, beyond L.A. There's happy housewives with small children running around, able to run around without worrying if their playmate is going to pull something on them.

That's all I ever wanted. A safe neighborhood, a good man, a kid or two. I told my counselor this, before I dropped out. She had the nerve to tell me that it could still happen. She didn't understand. No person from the burbs ever did. Once you're here, you're never out. She didn't understand how a sixteen year old girl's dreams were killed like flies before they could even begin. In a perfect world, I was still supposed to be dreaming about the star quarterback and what our wedding will look like.

In my world, I was still worried about weather my virginity could be taken by force before I could sell it.

I walked along my familiar street, the smell of crack smoke hitting my nostrils. It was normal, but I was still a little more on guard. Crack smoke means an addict is somewhere, and addicts are never too nice.

I waited at the normal corner, and waited for my contact. An old friend, my mom's pimp, Milo. Also most likely my dad. I wasn't working for him, but as a favor to me, he agreed to help me find a high bidder for my first time.

He always joked about going into the family business. The oldest job in the world.

I saw his familiar suit and gangster hat, drawn oh-so-right to cover his face enough to keep from good descriptions and keep his tell-tale air of mystery. He was an classy pimp, like the ones from the old time movies. A long time ago, when the new style of gangster came around, alot of people like him got pushed out of the biz. But, he pulled the trigger enough times to make sure that everyone knew exactly who they were messing with.

"Hey, there, baby girl."

Milo always had the best English, and I thanked God for it. I had always prided myself on being able to speak properly, even though I got called a stuck-up bitch for it quite a few times.

"Hey, Milo. What's new?"

Milo grinned, which looked a little sinister in the dimly lighted street. I just imagined Milo's blue eyes, so much like mine, lighting up. It kept away the fright I got around Milo.

Milo grabbed his suspender's and snapped them, and I prayed in thanks. If Milo went for his suspender's, he was proud of himself.

"I found a good one for you."

I smiled a little, something not usually known to happen when it came to me. I was an ice queen if you've ever met one.

"Have you, Milo? Details please."

After a few more minutes, I thanked Milo and walked with him to the other corner, than watched my back all the way to my shared apartment with my mother.

- - - - - -

I waited inside the lobby uncomfortably. It wasn't very often you'll find a girl like me in a place like this. Unless you were in Pretty Woman.

A man entered, looking like the description I had received from Milo.

I thanked God yet again as I studied him before he caught sight of me. Tall, handsome, with chocolate brown hair and sky blue eyes. Wearing a nice business suit.

He saw me, and his eyes widened. He walked over slowly, and smiled slightly. Unlike what I had been expecting, it wasn't lecherous. It was kind. As if it were a first date at instead of a first time. I would be the last one to admit it, but it spoke to my long dead and buried girlish fantasies.

Once he had gotten close enough, I stood up, and I saw his eyes run over me.

He held out his hand, which I shook as he partially whispered to me.

"Are you Charlotte?"

"I am, sir."

"I"m Nathan."

I took his arm as he led me to the elevator.

We were alone in the elevator, and I could tell that Nathan wanted to say something. I really didn't know what to say in this situation, so I figured silence was best.

We reached the room faster than I could comprehend. He sat me on the couch, and grabbed my hand, holding it.

"You are beautiful, Charlotte."

His chivalry was new, so I blushed slightly at his soft spoken comment. He leaned in slightly, and his breath tickled my ear.

"Do you want to know a secret? This is my first time doing anything like this. We can be virgins together, okay?"

I broke out in a smile, and nodded my head slightly. He began to stroke my dark brown locks softly, which sent a shiver down my back.

- - - - - -

The next morning, I awoke to hear the shower running in the bathroom. I layed in bed, replaying everything that had happened in the night. I was a virgin no longer, and five thousand dollars richer.

I planned to buy a bus ticket straight out of this city.

The shower stopped, and Nathan stepped out, hair wet and towel draped around his waist. I blushed slightly as our eyes met, and he smiled at me.

"Good morning. Would you like some breakfast? I can order room service."

I shook my head sadly.

"No thank you. I think I'll just go."

I rolled out of bed, taking the sheets with me. I grabbed my clothes as Nathan tried to stop me.

"No, you don't have to go! I can at least buy you breakfast!"

After I finished, I just looked straight at Nathan.

"It doesn't work like that. There are no feelings, just money and sex. That's all that matters."

I walked out, but gave him one last apologetic look before I did. I felt bad for being so mean, but there can be no feelings in my business.

Like I said, only money and sex ever matter.

- - - - - - - -

I sat back in the bus seat, and almost enjoyed the warm leather against my neck, heated in the sun.

I held on to my purse tightly. It was my entire life in that purse. The rest of my money, and clothes was in there.

I looked back to the City of Angels, and expected to be hit with nostalgia, all my memories flooding back.

But there was nothing. No fond memories.

Then I realized.

If that was supposed to be a city for angels, I was better off without them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this may be a little pointless, but I thought it was a good thinking story, if that makes since. I will very much appreciate criticism, as long as it's somewhat nice. And, I'm a total Christian, so none of what I said was meant to be sacrilegious. Think metaphor.

Thank You for reading! :)
