Love and Monsters.

Uh... well. It's Frerard. It's not ultra-detailed slash. Sorry to disappoint you =]. Anyway, there are no monsters in this, the title comes from an episode of Doctor Who which I happen to like the name of [=.
  1. Introduction.
    It's just Gerard beginning to look back at his time in MCR o_o.
  2. Part One.
    Well, they go to HMV. And meet fans. OH JUST READ IT ALREADY.
  3. Melting eyeliner.
    Undetailed boysex D=.
  4. "Holy shit, you're Gerard Way."
    He meets someone and falls in love with her even though he's in love with Frankie and he's really conf00sed.
  5. Tell me I'm an angel.
  6. Tell me I'm a bad man.
    Complications, complications.
  7. Part Seven.
    Gerard and Frankie = wannabe happy ending. Gerard meets Isobel again but they're just friends. So they're okay. Now.
  8. Drama, drama.
  9. No.
  10. I'll find a way.
    O. M. G.
  11. Bang.
  12. *********shit***.