Counting Your Face Among the Living

Two Cheap Hookers and A Mexican

Mikey's POV--Skipped to Frankie's Birthday!

I walked into Frankie's house. He knew I would be coming, and Gee would be coming in a few hours. I walked in and heard crying come from the living room. I walked in to see Frankie's mother on the couch watching a home made video.

"Happy Birthday Frankie! I looked at the screen to see Frankie, about three years old, in his fathers arms. I noticed Mrs. Iero look up at me and smile. She had a tear stained face, but at least she smiled, not like most people you see who had just been told they have cancer.

"Mikey, Mikey, I'm glad you're hear. Frankie, he's in his room." She spoke as she his pause and got up. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water.

I walked into Frankie's room. They still had boxes in the hallway, but most of the things they had were already put up. I noticed Frankie laying on his bed, looking at a book. I neglected to see what is was about until I got closer, and realized it was a Cancer book. Lung cancer to be specific.

"Frankie?" I whispered as I sat on the floor.

"Yeah Mikey?" He asked in return.

"Why are you reading a book on cancer?"

"I have Extended Stage Lung Cancer" He said, not expression on his face. By the looks of it...he had cried the last on his tears.

"W.What does that mean?" I didn't know much about cancer. Was it a good thing?

"It means that the cancer has spread to other lung tissues or other parts of my body. And that my survival rate is. Well it's a percentage of 0 - 2." Still, not tears escaped from his hazel eyes, only mine.

"F.Frankie!" I pleaded, having nothing to say but the pleading sorry's that have been bottled up since the accident.

"Mikey, I'm. I'm scared. I might die between now and Christmas, or even next year. The rate is in the first five years. I don't know how long I've had it." He exclaimed before putting his head on my shoulder, accepting my open arms.

"Frankie, I can't. I can't live without you!" My tears were falling onto his black hair, and my fear of his dying...rising.

"Mikey. I. I love you. Please don't leave me!" Tears...finally falling from the eyes that kill me to look at now...Frankie...
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Title by: Micky Avalon-Yes! I fucking love him!
Song: Mr. Right

1. Hello! Wow, I read the last chapter and I had a lot of errors, but I have no excuse. Other than the fact that I really don't care much about this story anymore....such a tragedy, but I suck at typing. Ever since I started writing this particular story, my typing has gone down the tubes....
2.Comment!? Please!? It would make the red apple conscious happy! SHE HURTS ME WHEN YOU DON'T!-Mentally!
3.There will be very few chapters left of this depends on how much I can fit into one chapters....If anything I give it thirty five chapters. I will be writing two more frikey's. A cancer fic, and a regular high school based, and a sequel where they are My Chem! My Vampire fic will have a sequal, but I will also be working on a another fic with the same characters. So I have a lot to do...
I'm thinking about changing the name from Apple to Crimson.