
December Love

The First Date

Friday, December 22, 2006

I sat up and walked to the calendar on my door. I plopped down in front of it, stared at the numbers. Picking up the red permanent marker tied to the door, I crossed off the little box and crawled back to bed. Pulling the down quilt over my head I watched the sunlight create a red aura around my bracelet. Pressing my hand to my chest, I curled into a ball and closed my eyes.

"Laurel?" Apollo knocked on my door. It's time to get up, let's go."

"I'm not feeling well, go on without me. I don't think I can go to school today."

There was silence. Then, I heard the door open.

"Is something wrong?"

"I said go!" I snapped and pulled the quilt tighter around me.



Apollo stayed silent, then left.

I sighed and waited until I heard the main door open and close. Then, slowly, I crawled out of bed (Literally, I fell off the bed, and rolled into the bathroom). I sat on the tiles and brushed my teeth, feeling numb. Spitting it out in the sink, I started the bath and left the bedroom.

Then I crawled down the stairs and glanced around. Taking a deep breath I forced myself to stand and flicked on the stereo. Christmas jingles. I flicked it off and set in my Bayside CD. Glancing at the couch I remembered my parents meeting him. I saw him laughing. I saw him hugging me by the door. As the music rang through the house I threw the remote across the room, angry with myself for caring so much.

- - -

At school Apollo went up to Cathy, kissed her on the cheek. "Hey."

She smiled and glanced around. "Where's Laurel?"

"I don't know, she just said she wasn't feeling well and screamed at me to leave her alone. Do you know anything about that?"

"Well, I guess its because today's the day she and Kevin hooked up. Too painful for her to come to school and act like a bitch, I guess. What a crybaby."

- - -

I sunk lower into the bathtub, making bubbles form around me. My hair bobbed and floated, and I just stared limply into nothing.

I've lived too fast and I've loved too much and I'll die too young...

I submerged, opened my eyes and looked around. 'Things are different from the other side of the yard.'

Pulling myself out of the tub, I felt gravity almost pull me through the earth. I pulled on my fluffy black bathrobe and stumbled into my room.

Pulling on my pajamas I slipped into some fuzzy slippers and walked down the stairs. Shutting off the stereo I replaced Kevin's bracelet on my arm and tuned the TV to fuse. My Chemical Romance was playing. I sighed and put on some tea. Setting my elbows against the counter I started lightly squeezing the glass beads on my...Kevin's bracelet. One of them popped. I pulled back, a little surprised, and sighed again.

Washing the residue off my fingers I shut off the kettle and poured myself some tea. Sometimes it's better to sit numb and emotionless in front of the TV for a couple of hours before you can get on with life.

But I only allow myself one day to do so. No point in feeling sorry for myself when time isn't going to. Its just going to keep twisting and turning, and either you go with the flow, or you resist and end up miserable and trapped like Mrs. Havisham.

"I like coffee." I swallowed it whole. In five minutes I was collapsed on the couch, a sugar rush attempting and failing to wake me up, pulling at my nerves to do something, anything. But I fought it, shivering and mouthing the lyrics to some song that my brain comprehended,
unknown to me. The rest of the day I sort of sat around. Finally, at three, I got fed up and called Apollo. His answering machine clicked on, so I threw the phone across the room. He was at Cathy's.


I pulled off the bracelet and flicked it under the couch.

With a sigh I stood up and went into the kitchen. Jumping on the counter, I watched the kettle heat up. I love hot chocolate. Leaning against the cabinets, I lifted up my legs and pressed my head against the side of the refrigerator. If someone was standing outside the kitchen, all they could see were my legs. I sighed and poured myself some cocoa moo (insert heart).

Leaning back again I started to think about my first date with Kevin.

- - -

He was really sweet, and my parents approved of him too, so that was a plus. The first thing that comes to mind is how snowy it was. When I came downstairs, Kevin was already inside, sitting on the couch with my parents, apparently very interested in the conversation. I was wearing a red turtleneck fleece (I love being warm) and my favorite jeans and knee-high striped socks.

"Hi." I smiled and stood at the base of the stairs. Glancing at my dad I asked, "So, what do you think?"

Dad and Kevin both stood up. Kevin came up to me. Dad smiled and gave a 'thumbs up' sign behind his back.

"You look...really pretty."

I smiled and took his hand. "You're looking pretty nice yourself."

He was. Black turtleneck, dark jeans, steel toe shoes. "Well, shall we?"

"Um, okay."

Mom got up and handed me my big down jacket, scarf, and hat. Kevin grabbed his coat and asked me if I had gloves.

"No, they're upstairs."

"I'll fetch them." My mom hurried away.

Dad glanced at his watch. "It's six thirty now. I'll give you two four hours. I want her back by ten thirty. No later, you hear?"

"Yes sir." Kevin saluted military style, his black hair shuffling around his head. I smiled, and looked down. Gees, how much redder could I get?

My first date, and already I was totally flustered.

Mom came down and slipped my gloves into my hands. With a little hug, she whispered, "Good luck sweetheart."

Once we were out the door, Kevin smiled and gently took my hand.

I stared at my boots. "Sorry I took so long."

"Oh, no, it was fine, your parents were actually fun to talk to."

"Everyone says that. Even Cathy. She loves them, thinks of them as her second parents."

"Huh. Well no wonder why."

"So, what are we doing tonight?"

"Well, first there's a movie, dinner, and then a surprise."

"Oh, I like surprises. What is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

"That's what I don't like about surprises."

Kevin laughed.

"Hey, how dare you laugh at my opinions!" I shoved him lightly. Or so I thought. He fell over into the snow.

"Oh, sorry!" I offered my hand. He took it and pulled me down with him.

"Hey!" I grabbed a hand full of snow and threw it in his face. Kevin jumped up and shook himself off like a dog. I laughed and picked up another snowball to throw at him.

"Okay, okay, I give in!" He raised his hands to surrender. I dropped my snowball and we continued walking.

"Hey, Kevin?"


"This isn't the way to the movie theater."

"I know, we're going to the park."

"Ooh!" I clapped my hand and jumped a little. "I love movies in the park!!"

Kevin grinned. "I knew it."

"How?" I stopped and looked up at him, my brows furrowed together.

"God, why are you so damn cute?" We both stopped and he pressed his forehead against mine. "I know you like movies in the park because Cathy told me when I asked her what to do for our date." I blushed.

"Your so...different." I smiled and pressed my index finger against his nose. "huh."

We stared at each other for a minute, than both of us started laughing. "God, I'm the world's biggest idiot!"

"No, you're the world's biggest Italian idiot."

"Hey! I have ties dude! Watch what you say! And I'm Greek!"

"Gack, I'll have to watch out then, huh?"

"Yes. Yes you will." I stuck out my tongue and a snowflake fell on it. I blinked and looked up. "It's so pretty when it snows."

"Yeah." We both stopped and looked up for a minute. Then, Kevin grabbed my hand. "Come on, we're going to be late!"

The movie they were showing was The Santa Claus. I laughed. "Aw, how g-rated!"

We sat down next to each other on a big tree branch. Halfway through the movie I started to shiver a little. Kevin pulled my closer and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned on his shoulder.

After the movie we both stood up. He started shuffling through his pockets. "How'd you like it?"

"That was great!"

"Ah, but there is more!"


"Of course!" He pulled a small bracelet out of his pocket. "Happy Christmas."

I looked at the little beaded bracelet. "You really have to stop! I don't deserve so many things!"

"Of course you do! Come on, let's go get some dinner."

Kevin led me to a little restaurant nearby. After dinner (which was so good, by the way) Kevin and I started walking around again. I smiled and held his hand. "So, you said there was a surprise?"

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot too."

"What is it?"

He grinned. "Follow me."

- - -

I put my mug in the kitchen sink.

- - -

Apollo looked around. Cathy was resting on his chest, talking to some of the other girls. Everyone was there. Except, it seemed like some one was missing. Then he figured it out. "Hey, Josh, where's Kevin?"

"Oh, he left a while ago. Said he wanted to do something...I have no idea, man I am so wasted!" Apollo grimaced at him and turned back to Cathy. But he couldn't focus. What was Kevin doing?

- - -

I closed my eyes and sighed. That had been the first and last time. But did it really have to be? I stood, my mind made up. Changing into some jeans and a turtleneck I went out into the snow. Pulling on my knit cap I locked my door and walked to the ice-skating rink.

- - -


He pulled me onto the ice. "Come on, I know you can do it! Cathy said this was the one thing you've really ever wanted to do, and now's your chance!"

"But what if I fall?"

"I'll catch you! Just think of me as your safety net."

I wrapped my arms around his left one and held on for dear life as we circled the rink. After a few minutes, I could balance and we held hands. I smiled as my breath puffed up in front of me.

"You didn't have to do all of this! It's only a first date!"

"Well, I have to impress the girl. But don't expect every date to be like this!"

"Oh, I won't, this is too much for just a date!"

"I was joking."

"Oh. Well, it's still a lot of work just for me."

He tilted his head and we stopped under one of the entrances. "Are you happy?"

I blushed. "Of course! This is the best date I've ever been on!" I didn't mention it was the only date I'd ever been on.

"Good. Now there's just one thing left."


Kevin looked up. I followed his gaze and went bright red. "Uh...um..."

"Oh, you don't have to if you don't want to."

"Um n-n-no, it's all right, go ahead!"

Kevin slid closer to me and started to bend down. I went even brighter and closed my eyes. I waited, but nothing came. Instead, I was hugged. Kevin laughed.

"You're not ready. I promise I'll wait for you. Whenever you're ready, I'll be there." He hugged me and I buried my head in his jacket.

Kevin let go of me. "Let's go home." I nodded.

- - -

I smiled at the memory, but stopped when my heart started hurting. I paid for my ice skates and laced them on. As I went out into the ring, I noticed that there was mistletoe hung up everywhere, just like when I had first gone there. I smiled to myself and started circling the ring, dodging couples and children. The DJ started playing Christmas tunes, and told everyone to find a partner to dance with. I turned to leave when someone grabbed my gloved hand and kissed it.

"May I ask for a dance?" I turned to see a young man I'd never seen before. He surely didn't go to my school.

"How old are you?" I asked.

He grinned. "Twenty. You?"

"Mama always said not to talk to strangers."

he laughed. "Aw come on, one dance? How horrible could that be?" I bit my lip and examined him.

He was handsome, that much was obvious. He had black messy hair and soft features. His eyes were angled around his face and he was wearing a black turtleneck and jeans.

"One dance."

He took my hand. "I'm Narcissus, by the way." I blinked.

The DJ started to play slow songs. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you don't like slow songs?"

"It's such a valentine's day thing. I hate these types of songs."

"Then what do you listen to?"

"Three days' Grace?" It came out as a question.

He laughed. "Cute. You're very cute."

"Everyone seems to think that." I tilted my head. "I don't see why though."

He said something, but I didn't hear it. I had just spotted Kevin, right behind us, skating around alone.

I gulped. "I'm sorry, but I've really got to go."

I pulled myself out of his arms and skated away.

"Wait, don't I at least get a name?"

I paused briefly. "You can call me Echo!"

I skidded onto the cement and pulled off my skates. Shoving my feet into my boots I basically threw the rentals at the shop man and ran away. No way was Kevin going to see me there; I just couldn't let him think that I had feelings for him still. I didn't, I had feelings of affection for the memory only.

I slammed the house door shut and took a deep breath. Apollo turned and looked at me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Just went out for a walk."

"In this blizzard?"

I brushed off my hair and threw my coat on the coat rack. "It's not a blizzard out there, it's actually rather mild."

I glanced at the tree we had set up a few days earlier. I had already set a few presents beneath the tree, all set for Christmas.

One of the angel ornaments caught my eye. I went up to it and took it in my hand.

I wonder if angels are real. Greek Gods are real, so maybe...

I laughed out loud. What a stupid idea. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I went to get it, and the angel slipped off the tree into my hand. I opened the door to see Kevin standing there. Before he could say anything, I said, "Stalker."

And shut the door in his face. I sat down on the couch. "I love snow."

- - -

Halfway home I tripped. Kevin grabbed me and helped me up. He smiled. "See? I told you, I'm your safety net." I stared into his eyes for a moment. If not now, then when?

"Thank you." I put my hands on his shoulders and stood on my toes. Gently, and nervously, I kissed his cheek. When I pulled away, Kevin was staring at me. I wasn't blushing anymore.

But he was.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had originally released this a little before Christmas, so it matched up then. ah-ha.