

Angie and I were relieved to know that her parents were going to stay here for the summer.

They had to continue some sort of negotiation over the hotel and locations or something that I didn't really understand. Marco was kind enough to let Angie stay with me in my apartment, so I didn't mind the fact that he was over every other hour to try and schmooze her up. And quite frankly, she was falling hard for my cousin. I didn't understand what she saw in him, but I didn't say anything. If they were going to start dating, great for them.

However, I found that I was unable to watch them be all gooey without tossing my cookies. I usually left the moment he came in, either because I was going to class (they started in July) or because I was going to the flea markets.

Everything was hollow for me; for some reason everything felt dull, lifeless. The few moments I was actually laughing or having fun were short-lived and left me even more bored and empty. I also started to have strange dreams- almost like a past life. I was always in ancient Athens, but the story was always a little different. There was a really cute guy I was always with, but I never really saw his face. Either we were talking or walking in these lush meadows, or reading-usually really simple things. But their purpose seemed to magnify whenever I was near him. Even when I woke up after such dreams I was extremely happy.

However, sometimes, they weren't pleasant at all. More and more frequently I continued to have to have the same dream about my death- He would come to meet me in the meadow, but then apologize and run away from something. I would run after him and find myself in the Parthenon - I'd not really remember how I'd gotten there- and I'd just, die.

"Laurel, wake- whoa, are you okay?" I opened my eyes and sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I nodded.

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream."

"You're crying!"

"Yeah, I usually do that, it's good for cleaning your eyes." I ignored any other questions about my dream and went to class.

When class ended I was surprised to see Angie standing outside my school. "What are you doing here? Didn't you have a date with Marco?"

"Yeah but I think we need to cheer you up first!"

"We?" Angie pointed to an ice cream stand, where Marco was standing. He turned and waved at us. I returned the gesture, but leaned over to Angie and said, "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Of course it's okay- were practically related anyways!"

I shook my head and Marco ran over. "So, we ready?" I took the cone from him.

"Where are we going?" I glanced at Angie who smiled secretly.

"I know just the place."


I stared up at the giant Parthenon. "Wait, what's going on?"

Angie looped her arm through mine. "Well, you have the weekend off, right? So we'll be going on a tour throughout Greece, and we're going to visit every single archaeological site that has to do with the Greeks Gods. Plus, were going to Sparta!" She got a blood lust look in her eyes and I pushed Marco in her way, "It'll be so cool!"

I smiled at them. "Thanks, guys."
♠ ♠ ♠
The next few chapters are going to be pretty short. Sorry about that; i kind of rushed the ending, but tried to drag it out so it appears a bit...odd...