Anything but Mine

Anything But Mine


Frank looked up from where he was cutting out My Chemical Romance interviews from his impressive collection of magazines to see his boyfriend dancing into the lounge.

“What’s up?” Frank asked, smiling at Gerard’s actions.

“Frankieee,” Gerard sung, dropping to his knees behind Frank and wrapping his arms around him. “Can we have our parents and the guys over next week?”

Frank turned around to face him to shoot him a confused look, while Gerard took the opportunity to give him a quick peck on the lips.

“Why do you need to ask me that? Of course they can.”

“I want to have a proper dinner party. We’ve lived here for six months and never had one,” Gerard went on, an elaborate idea forming in his head that included candles and flowers.

“What’s the occasion?” Frank asked, getting suspicious.

Gerard quickly wiped the smirk off his face. “Nothing,” he said quickly and changed the subject. “So, you feel like cooking for it? I would order out, but it’s our first one and I think we should do it properly, plus you know how I am in the kitchen.”

Frank let out a moan, now getting why Gerard required his input into this idea. He wanted to refuse, knowing it would mean a lot of effort, but Gerard had pulled his best puppy dog eyes and Frank could never say no to that. Not ever.

“Fine,” he said begrudgingly, turning back to his cutting out.

Gerard tackled him from behind, just barely missing getting Frank’s scissors in his eye. “Yay! You won’t regret it!”


“Gerard Arthur Way!”

Gerard looked up from his place on the couch to see his boyfriend glaring at him angrily. His hands were on his hips and he looked like the epitome of a housewife with the flowery apron he was wearing. Aside from the fact he was a male and not a wife.

“I told you to do one thing, and you’re out here on the couch watching ‘Girls of the Playboy Mansion’ while I’m slaving away in the kitchen,” Frank trilled.

Gerard groaned and turned the television off reluctantly, knowing this was one battle he was not going to win. “Sorry, Frankie,” he said meekly, slinking his way towards the bathroom.

His boyfriend wasn’t finished yet. “I’ve been working all day, Gerard, all day, cooking for your family and friends and you can’t even do one simple thing.”

Gerard nodded his head in agreement, he knew he was being lazy. He knew he was taking his Frankie for granted, but girls of the playboy mansion was on and the temptation to watch the lives of Hugh Hefner and his bunnies seemed far more appealing then a boring household task.

Frank spun around on his heel and marched back into the kitchen, as Gerard continued his way down the hall. He entered the white bathroom and rummaged in the cabinet under the sink until he found what he was looking for. He quickly unscrewed the lid on the soap dispenser and poured more soap in from the refill bottle until it was full.

It annoyed Gerard a little that Frank had gotten so pissed at him for not doing something so small, but he knew that he really shouldn’t be complaining as the man was cooking a whole feast. Not to mention he had cleaned the apartment from top to bottom the previous day while Gerard had feigned sickness on the couch and watched cartoons.

He really was quite a horrible boyfriend.

He capped the refill bottle and placed it back under the sink, pulling a face at his reflection in the mirror as he did so. Gerard hesitated in the bathroom for a moment, not incredibly keen on going back into the main room to have Frank give him the silent treatment until his guilt became overwhelming and he begged for forgiveness, essentially becoming Frank’s slave for the night. Staying in the bathroom for a while longer seemed like a much better option, at least until the guests arrived and Frank pretended to be nice to him while they were around.

He sat down on the edge of the white bathtub, drumming his fingers on the sides as he looked around. He noticed that the glass shower wall was now gleaming and the Italian tiles sparkling. Gerard almost wished that they had been a little dirty, as it would have given him something to do now.

He snapped his teeth together a few times, liking the harsh sound it made when the clinked together and continued drumming his fingers, wondering how long it would be until he was driven out by his own boredom.

He considered jerking off, but as his hands started creeping towards his pants he realized that the look on Frank’s face if he caught him would not be worth it. Not to mention he would probably deny him sex for at least two days.

Gerard shuddered at the thought and stood up, making his way out of the bathroom.
His bare feet padded back down the hall, deciding to man up and face Frank now rather then later. He entered the kitchen and saw Frank pulling the lasagna out of the oven and then quickly putting an apple pie in its place. Gerard smiled at the sight; his man was far too perfect.

He came up behind Frank and wrapped his arms around the man’s middle, pulling their bodies tightly together. He placed a kiss on Frank’s neck, leaving his lips there when he received no response from the man.

“I’m sorry baby,” Gerard mumbled into his neck, breathing in Frank’s cologne. He quickly started planting more kisses on his boyfriend’s neck, each soft touch of his lips showing how sorry he was.

“I really am,” Gerard continued, though he knew it wouldn’t be the last time he would be a lazy, ungrateful bastard of a boyfriend. “I love you,” he added, the smile showing through his voice.

Frank finally turned around and faced him, his eyes dancing in amusement as Gerard pulled his best puppy dog eyes complete with a pout. Frank couldn’t help but grin. “Go and get dressed you big dork.”

Gerard’s jaw dropped. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” he demanded to know, hands on his hips in a defensive stance.

The look Frank gave him was enough to convince Gerard that maybe sweatpants and shirtless wasn’t the best dinner party attire.

“Fine,” Gerard huffed and stalked off to the bedroom, leaving a smirking Frank in his wake.


“Oh man, I have missed you bro!” Mikey exclaimed as he bustled through the apartment front door and into his brothers waiting arms. Gerard instantly wrapped his arms around his thin brother, lifting him off the floor and twirling him around. Mikey let out an impressive squeal that made Frank and Alicia simultaneously wince then smile at each other, as the brothers relished in their little reunion.

“How are you, Al?” Frank asked, giving her a kiss on the cheek in greeting and then taking her coat from her.

“I’ve been good,” she replied, thanking her brother in laws boyfriend with a smile.

“And the little one?” Frank asked, with a nod towards the small bump on her stomach.

“Per-“ she started to say, but was interrupted by a grown man flying at her and planting a large kiss on her stomach.

“Gerard Junior!” He cried. “How are you going?”

Frank and Alicia exchanged concerned glances as Gerard continued speaking to Alicia’s stomach. Mikey, however, was simply grinning away at the sight, not worried in the slightest at how Gerard’s hands were wandering all over his wife’s body.

“When you come out, I am going to spoil you,” Gerard cooed. “Yes I am, yes I am.”

Frank rolled his eyes and turned to his band mate and best friend. “Mikey,” he smiled.
Mikey tore his eyes away from his family and ran at his friend, embracing him with the same eagerness he had shown his brother.

“Can’t believe its been three weeks since we last saw you, feels more like a lifetime,” Frank commented.

“I know, time goes so quickly,” Mikey replied, smiling as he pulled away from the hug. “Alicia wouldn’t have been that big either.” Mikey’s pride at his growing baby was fairly obvious, he seemed to have a glow about him that was commonly seen in most pregnant women.

“Gerard Junior grows so fast!” Gerard exclaimed, now petting Alicia’s belly. Frank took one look at the uncomfortable look on Alicia’s face, and oblivious Mikey’s face of bliss and grabbed both of Gerard’s hands. Alicia shot him a grateful look as Frank dragged his boyfriend away.

“Come on baby, leave the happy couple alone,” he said gently, forcing Gerard to put his arm’s around Frank’s middle so they were cuddled together.

Mikey put an arm around Alicia, smiling at Frank and Gerard together. There was a moment of silence before Gerard broke it by loudly saying, “So you are going to call it Gerard, aren’t you?”

Frank groaned loudly, causing Gerard to shoot him a quick glare before looking back expectantly at the soon to be parents.

“Well, I don’t know, we have really decided on names yet,” Alicia finally said, biting her lip.
The sound of the doorbell ringing through the apartment stopped Gerard from protesting any further, who seemed incredibly set on the baby being named after him regardless of the sex.

Frank nudged Gerard. “You want to get that?”

“Yeah!” Gerard replied, quickly releasing Frank and making his way to the door. He pulled it open to reveal a smiling Ray Toro and a bottle of apple cider.

“Toro man,” Gerard said, pulling the curly haired man into a hug.

“Gee-rard,” Ray replied and held out the bottle of cider. “I usually bring wine when I go to someone’s for dinner, so I didn’t want to turn up empty handed.”

“Thanks,” Gerard said appreciatively, accepting the glass bottle.

Ray moved into the apartment, greeting Mikey with a hug and Alicia with the obligatory kiss on the cheek. “Alicia you are just blossoming,” he said to her.

“Thank you,” Alicia replied politely, hoping it was a good thing and wasn’t a kind way of saying she was fat.

“Franko,” Ray said when he got to the youngest member of their band and pulled him into a hug. “Gerard knocked you up yet?”

Frank shook his head regretfully as the two pulled away. “Not yet, we have been trying for a while now.”

Gerard smirked and put his arms back around Frank, letting them rest on his boyfriend’s stomach. “We’ve been practicing every night,” he informed the group.

Frank kissed his cheek. “Sometimes more then once too. Not just at night either, also in the morning, at lunch, in the afternoon. Hell, we’re always practicing.”

Ray wrinkled his nose and patted Frank on the back. “That’s….uh, that’s good to know.”

Frank, being the more attentive one out of Frank and Gerard, noticed the disgusted look on Mikey and Alicia’s faces and hastily changed the subject. “So, you guys want to move into the lounge and we’ll crack open the cider?”


Half an hour everyone had arrived and the dinner party was in full swing. Frank and Gerard’s respective parents had shown up minutes after Ray, lumbered with enough frozen meals to last a month. It wasn’t that they didn’t think the boys could look after themselves, they just wanted to make life easier for them. The two sets of parents had been good friends for quite some time now, years of concert going had forced them together and so they had collaborated on the food. They had even carpooled together to Frank and Gerard’s, something that the boys found sweet and disturbing at the same time, they both had way too much dirt on the both of them to discuss for the boys to find the friendship a good thing.

Bob had come in twenty minutes later then the time the boys had told everyone to arrive and had therefore been subjected to a two minute lecture from Gerard about promptness. According to the singer, everyone had been worried that something had happened to him on the way over and were only minutes away from calling the hospitals around them. Bob had simply engulfed the smaller man in a hug, making sure he pushed Gerard’s mouth into his chest with some force so that he could no longer talk.

“Good to see you man,” Gerard gasped as Bob released him, breathing in precious air.

“Bobby!” Frank squealed, racing up to the drummer and skidding down on his knees, wrapping his arms around Bob’s legs.

“Gerard!” Bob growled and tried to shake Frank off his leg. “Get this thing off me!”

Gerard bent down and clapped his hands together. “Come on Frankie,” he said excitedly, as if he was talking to a dog. “Come here!”

Frank crawled on all fours over to Gerard, rubbing his head on the man’s leg as he panted loudly.

“Good boy,” Gerard praised, patting Frank’s head. The people sitting at the table stared at the strange couple and shook their heads, completely used to the boy’s antics.

“There’s a role play for the bedroom,” Bob boomed, still standing in the apartment doorway, having not made it in due to Gerard’s lecture and didn’t see the boys parents sitting at the table. “Doggy style, literally.”

“Hello Robert,” Gerard’s mom said, coming around the corner that hid the table from view.

Bob’s eyes went wide, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Mrs. Way, didn’t see you there.”

“No, you wouldn’t have,” she replied, giving him a bemused expression. “And I suppose I have you to thank for those lovely mental images of my son and future son in law?”

Bob was saved from answering that question by Mikey jumping out of his seat and over to where they all stood. “Future son in law!?” He shrieked, causing Frank to wince once more. “Is there something you haven’t told us!?”

Frank laughed as Gerard’s eyes went wide and he shook his head furiously. “No, no…mom was just…” Gerard trailed off before whining, “Mom, why did you say that?”

His mother simply laughed. “Wishful thinking on my part dear.”

Frank stopped laughing instantly, and instead went up and wrapped Gerard’s mom in a huge hug, smiling into her hair. His heart had grown warm at those words, he didn’t realize that the woman had such a fondness for him.

“Mine too,” he whispered in her ear, agreeing with her previous statement. He pulled away after some time and grinned. “Can I show you my lasagna? I also made pie.”

Gerard’s mom clapped her hands happily in response and followed Frank into the kitchen, eager to see what he had achieved.

Gerard smiled at the sight, again feeling extremely grateful for his boyfriend and how his mother seemed completely charmed by him. Gerard was extremely proud of Frank, although it did make him a tad possessive at times. It wasn’t Frank’s fault he was completely amazing.

Gerard made his way back over to the dinning table, taking a seat on one of the sides next to Ray.

“Hey baby,” Ray said in his sleaziest voice, putting an arm around the friend he hadn’t seen in a month.

“What’s crackin’ sugar?” Gerard replied, giving his sexiest smirk. The two men grinned at each other and turned back to the rest of the table, where Frank’s parents and Gerard’s dad were engaged in conversation with Mikey and Alicia about their new baby.

“Are you going to find out whether it’s a boy or girl?” Frank’s mom was asking the happy couple.

Mikey and Alicia looked at each other and shrugged while Gerard said, “You better.”

Mikey frowned. “Why had we better?”

“Because, how else will I know what colors to buy when we’re out shopping for little baby things!” Gerard cried. “How else will we know if we need to use Gerard or Geraldine on the monogrammed towels?!”

Mikey just rolled his eyes as Alicia shot her brother in law an embarrassed smile.

“Sweetie, anyone would think you were having this baby,” Frank said, coming in carrying the lasagna in a glass dish followed by Gerard’s mother who brought the salad.

Gerard pouted at his boyfriend. “I am just excited, it’s not like I get to have kids anytime soon.”

Frank kissed Gerard’s head as he leaned over to put the dish in the middle of the table. “Would if I could, baby.”

“Thank you, I appreciate the thought.”

Frank smiled at Gerard before walking around the other side of the table and sitting next to his mom, resting his head on her shoulder to show affection.

“This all looks wonderful darling, you and Gerard have gone to so much effort,” she praised, stroking her son’s hair.

Frank shot a glare at Gerard who was smirking smugly for getting recognition for something he didn’t even do. “We try,” Frank said pathetically.

Gerard snorted. “Whatever, you just sat around all day watching me do everything.”

Gerard’s family let out a laugh at this as Frank gave him a murderous look.

Mikey leaned over the table and started serving the food up for everyone. “Don’t worry Frankie, I am sure everyone at this table knows that isn’t true at all.”

“They better,” Frank muttered darkly, still glaring at Gerard. Gerard just made his fingers form the shape of a love heart and smiled his cheesiest grin. Frank tried his hardest not to smile back at him, but failed miserably when Gerard started mouthing ‘I heart you’ over and over. It was near impossible for him to stay mad at Gerard. Sure, he would get incredibly pissed off but this state would only last until Gerard found some way to make him come groveling back. Be it through writing Frank a lame poem, drawing some mediocre scribble on a napkin, or even through a simple smile. There was no way Frank could deny he wasn’t a complete pushover for the man.

“So boys, have you been keeping yourselves busy lately?” Frank’s mom asked innocently, causing Mikey, Ray and Bob to all snigger and smirk knowingly at each other. The boys knew how Frank and Gerard kept busy on the breaks they had, as the confides of the tour bus gave them little opportunity to express their love.

Frank shoveled a forkful of salad into his mouth and said, “yeah, Gee’s been painting and stuff, and I’ve just been finding random shit to do.”

“Frank, don’t talk with your mouth open, it’s not attractive,” Gerard reprimanded his boyfriend, who in response stuck his tongue out which was covered in green lettuce leaves all chewed up. Gerard just shook his head at him, while Frank’s mother looked like she was about to cry.

“My baby is growing up!” she gasped, placing her hands over her heart.

Frank gave her a look like she was crazy. “Mom, what the hell are you on about?”

“Frankie, don’t talk so rudely to your mom, she gave you life,” Gerard chided once more. Frank’s mother gave a gasp this time and leaped out of her chair, came around the other side of the table and wrapped her arms around Gerard’s body.

“I’m not the one to tell my baby off anymore,” she cried, her dramatic Italian side coming out along with the realization that Frank was really no longer under her command. Even though he never really been in it in the first place, it was still strange to the woman to hear someone else saying the things she herself had been saying all Frank’s life.

Gerard patted his boyfriend’s mothers arm affectionately, allowing her to have her emotional outburst before she shortly returned to her seat, beaming at Gerard the entire time.

“If you mess this up,” Frank’s mom warned, pointing a finger at her son who threw up his arms in protest.

“I won’t mom,” Frank assured her. “I love him too much.”

A series of aw’s followed that sentence, coming mostly from Mikey, Gerard and Frank’s respective mom’s, Alicia and Gerard.

“Even when I am sitting on my ass in sweatpants watching Ellen Degeneres while you do my taxes, because I refuse to get an accountant?” Gerard asked, raising an eyebrow as he challenged Frank.

Frank simply laughed. “Even then,” he confessed.

“Even when he hasn’t showered for days and he stinks worse then road kill wrapped in a dirty diaper?” Mikey asked, grimacing.

Alicia hit her husband as Frank wrinkled his nose and replied, “yeah, even then.”

After that, everyone started shooting questions at Frank, seeing how many of Gerard’s bad habits Frank could stand.

“Even when he bites his nails constantly?” Gerard’s dad asked.

“Even when he won’t leave the house?” Gerard’s mom asked.

“Even when he just paints all day and doesn’t talk to you?” Mikey asked, determined to find something Frank didn’t like.

Frank simply laughed, taking it all in his stride. “Yes, yes and especially then,” he giggled. “If Gerard didn’t do all of those things then he wouldn’t be the Gerard I love. I love everything he does.”

Gerard shot an adoring look at Frank, the love in his eyes shining as he smiled with pride. The table fell silent for a moment, each person happy to sit in the comfortable silence and reflect on the relationship the two men had.

“I love you too,” Gerard mouthed to Frank, beaming as the two had eyes for only each other.

“Well shit you guys, now would be a fucking good time for one of you to propose,” Bob interrupted the silence, speaking his thoughts aloud.

Gerard’s eyes widened considerably, his mouth open agape as he shot a horrified look at Bob, though not for the reasons Frank thought.

Frank took one look at his boyfriends face and grimaced. He knew Gerard had never been overly keen on the idea of marriage, and so Frank had never been one to push him. As long as Gerard was committed to him, loyal and faithful, he didn’t need a piece of paper to show their love. It was obvious to everyone who came within a mile of them.

Frank waved a hand in an air. “We don’t need any of that, we are perfectly happy as we are, right Gerard?” Frank said and turned to his counterpart who had now paled in complexion, even more then usual.

Frank gave a frown. “You okay, sweetie?” he asked Gerard, looking at him curiously. Gerard shook his head, as if to clear it, and stared at Frank through wide eyes.

“Fine,” Gerard finally managed to croak out, and quickly put his head in his hands.

Frank tore his eyes away from his lover to exchange a concerned look with Mikey. Frank definitely hadn’t thought that the mere mention of marriage would evoke this kind of reaction from Gerard. He felt lucky at that moment that he had never mentioned it to Gerard in the past, for Gerard had always been firm in his beliefs and Frank wasn’t about to question it, figuring Gerard would come to him when he was ready.

“Who even needs to get married these days? It’s lame and outdated,” Frank tried to reassure Gerard, who had not yet surfaced from his hands. “Nope, marriage is not for us, and probably never will be, we don’t need to prove our love to anyone with some shitty piece of paper. Hell, I don’t even want to get married anymore.”

“Oh fuck,” Gerard gasped, leaping out of his chair and dashing for the bedroom down the hall. Silence fell over the table as the door slammed shut, causing everyone to flinch. Frank didn’t look at anyone, he simply stared at Gerard’s empty seat as the people around him exchanged worried looks.

Gerard’s mother finally stood, maternal instincts coming out with the pressing need to care for her distressed son. “I’m going to go and see what’s wrong,” she muttered, gently pushing back her chair.

Mikey placed an arm on his mother’s arm. “No, mom, I think this might be one for Frank,” he said to her gently. Frank finally tore his eyes away from the vacant chair to look at Mikey through wide eyes.

“Mikey,” Frank started, but one urging glance from Mikey had him begrudgingly pushing back his own chair. He walked slowly out of the room, his head running a million miles an hour as he thought as to how best to approach Gerard, as he ignored the stares from the people sitting around him.

His bare feet padded up the white tiled hall, getting closer and closer to the closed bedroom door. Frank reached it and gently pressed his ear up to the wood, hoping to get some indication of what was going on inside from any type of noise. When he didn’t hear any crying or yelling, he figured it to be a good thing and slowly pushed the door open, just enough so his head could fit through the gap to peer in at Gerard.

His boyfriend was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to Frank, simply staring out the large bay window that overlooked the town below them. Lights were beginning to appear as the day came to a close, making the view from their bedroom beautiful.

Frank watched Gerard for a few minutes, observing as his form didn’t move due to being in such deep thought. Frank made his way into the room, closing the door behind him quietly before walking over to their large bed and crawling his way over it, coming up behind his lover.

Frank gently placed a hand on one of Gerard’s shoulders, causing the man to jump slightly and turn around quickly. Gerard’s face relaxed when he saw it was only Frank, shooting him a small smile before resuming his stare out of the window. Frank wrapped both of his arms around Gerard’s middle, a gesture he felt was unappreciated and unwanted until he felt Gerard’s hands come over his own. Frank counted this as a success and began placing small kisses down Gerard’s neck, letting his lips linger in places as he waited to see if Gerard would talk first. Frank wanted Gerard to want to talk about it with him, not force it out of the man, especially as that approach had the potential to evoke a similar reaction as their last conversation topic did.

Frank simply placed more kisses on every patch of skin he could reach, letting Gerard know he was there for him through soft touches and light caresses. Gerard gave a sigh and lent back into Frank, relaxing his body and letting his boyfriend half support him as Frank started gently running his fingers through Gerard’s hair.

“I love you,” Gerard finally breathed.

Frank kissed his cheek in response, and asked, “Ready to tell me what all that was about?”
Gerard shook his head.

“I know I’ve made it clear in the past that I’m just happy to be with you, and I’ve never pressured you into getting married so I really don’t understand where that freak out came from,” Frank continued. “If you don’t want to get married, then I am perfectly fine with that.”

Gerard gave another sigh, this one sounding more exasperated then the last and he placed his head in his hands so that he didn’t have to look at Frank anymore, knowing his boyfriend was confused and one look at his helpless eyes would have Gerard confessing all.

“Gerard,” Frank pressed, becoming irritated with his lack of response.

Gerard mumbled a string of words that were incomprehensible.

“I didn’t quite catch that,” Frank said calmly, though he felt himself only minutes away from yelling at Gerard.

“I said, the thing is, I’m not perfectly fine with that”, Gerard replied softly, pulling his head out of his hands and looking out the window once more. Frank halted his actions of running his fingers through Gerard’s hair, and blinked in confusion.

“Your not perfectly fine with…us not being married?” Frank tried, recalling the sentence he had said moments ago. Gerard nodded his head miserably, as though his confession would cause Frank some pain.

Frank tried to hold back the smile he felt coming over his features as he attempted to gain further clarification from Gerard on the matter before he started jumping for joy.

“So,” Frank continued, biting his lip and trying not to get his hopes up. “You’re saying you want to be married to me?”

Gerard finally turned to look Frank in the eyes, letting him see the emotion that was swimming in them. “I do,” he confirmed. Frank grinned, a look of pure joy coming over his face.

“Gerard,” Frank squealed, as he leaped off his seat and crashed onto Gerard, who just barely caught him in time. Gerard instantly wrapped his arms around Frank, who was busy nuzzling into his boyfriends neck.

“Oh, Gerard,” Frank breathed, kissing his way over Gerard’s jaw, unable to believe what he had just heard. He wondered briefly why Gerard had changed his mind and his view of marriage, but didn’t dwell on the thought, favoring instead to devour as much of Gerard as he could.

“You’re stupid, you know that right?” Frank murmured. Gerard nodded in agreement, he was incredibly stupid sometimes. “Baby, I still don’t see how that warranted a full scale freak out. I know you have your dramatic tendencies, and I respect that, but what Bob said he didn’t mean literally. It was just a weird ass thought he had that he felt completely necessary to vocalize.”

A small blush formed on Gerard’s cheeks and he quickly looked away from Frank, giving a small shrug as he pretended he had no idea what Frank was talking about. Frank frowned, studying Gerard’s form as his mind worked away slowly.

“It wasn’t like you were going to…” Frank trailed off as something in his mind clicked, and he covered his mouth to stifle a large gasp. “Oh. You were…”

Gerard groaned and put his head in his hands once more, to hide the scarlet color his face was turning as his boyfriend realized what Gerard had been planning to do all along.

That’s why you wanted all our family and friends to come over!” Frank said excitedly, as he began piecing everything together. “I thought it was weird, not that you don’t want to see your family but we’ve never had a proper dinner before even though I did think it was a cute idea, although I did have to do the work!”

Gerard let out another groan, his proposal plan sounding incredibly lame now that it was coming out of Frank’s mouth.

“Oh Gerard!” Frank squealed, sounding incredibly pleased. “Well, are you going to do it?”

Gerard pulled his head out of his hands to see Frank looking at him expectantly, a look of pure elation on his face, which Gerard found weird for a man who hadn’t even been proposed to. He was fairly certain that look was supposed to come after the proposal.

“No,” Gerard replied, watching as Frank’s face dropped. “Bob totally ruined it for me. I can’t propose after that comment.”

“You can’t,” Frank said blankly.

Gerard shook his head. “No way! He totally threw off whatever confidence I had going. He wrecked the moment.”

Frank contemplated this for a moment, before standing and marching out of the bedroom, his loud footsteps alerting the people gathered at the table to his incoming presence. He stomped into the dinning room, his family and friends looking warily at his angry face.

“Bob motherfucking Byrar!”

Bob visibly gulped, knowing he was really already in Frank and Gerard’s bad books and not knowing what he had done now.

“I officially hate you!” Frank cried, throwing his arms up in the air.

“What’s he supposedly done now, Frank?” Ray asked patiently, rolling his eyes a little at Mikey.

Frank put a finger to his chin, like he was thinking about it. “Hmm, I don’t know,” he said sarcastically. “Just cost me my marriage!”

Mikey laughed, the fucker. “Frank, you actually have to be married for him to have cost you your marriage,” he explained, as if he were talking to a five year old.

“Well then he cost me my chance at potential marriage.”

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

“Frankie, I highly doubt what Bob said is going to change anything,” Ray said reasonably, to which Mikey nodded his head in agreement.

Frank pulled Gerard’s vacant chair out and slumped down in it. “I’m never going to get married,” he mumbled, mostly to himself. “I had one chance, one chance and now because Bob threw him off he’s never going to want to do it.” Frank couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. “I just really want to be married to Gerard. Like really, really, fucking badly.”

“Then you should be,” came a voice behind Frank. Frank turned around to see Gerard standing in the hall entrance, watching him with an unhappy expression.

Frank immediately stood and rushed over to him, wiping the tears away from his face. “I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to start crying. It’s just I wanted that for so long and then just got used to the idea we would never…you know, take the plunge,” Frank explained. “And now to have it so close and taken away from me, it…hurts.”

Gerard cupped Frank’s face with his hand, taking his beautiful boyfriends sad eyes. “You shouldn’t have to hurt, I’m sorry.”

Frank shrugged. “I’ll be okay,” he whispered.

Gerard leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Frank’s lips. “The truth is, I want to be married to you too, fucking badly.”

Frank felt his heart grow warm, a silly smile making its way onto his face. “You do?” He asked, his voice sounding higher then normal.

“Yeah, I do,” Gerard replied easily. “So, with that in mind…”

Gerard dropped down onto one knee, in the middle of their white tiled hallway filed with posters and pictures of their band. He reached out and took Frank’s left hand, ignoring the gasps from their friends and family, and the ‘holy fuck’ from Mikey.

Frank placed his free hand over his heart, biting his lip in an effort to contain the tears threatening to re-appear as he looked down at his boyfriend knelt below him.

“Frankie,” Gerard whispered, staring straight into his boyfriend’s eye’s with pure love shining out of his own. “Will you marry me?”

Gerard reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a box, flicking it open to reveal a silver ring. Frank’s eyes lit up.

“You even got a ring!” He exclaimed, a huge smile taking up permanent residence on his face. “Of course I’ll marry you!”

Gerard grinned and stood quickly, catching Frank easily as he crashed into his arms. Frank wrapped his legs around Gerard’s middle as they staggered around the hall, Gerard struggling to support all of Frank’s weight. Gerard finally landed against one the walls with a thud, and allowed himself be pulled into a deep kiss by his new fiancé. The two found themselves lost in the kiss, hardly hearing the applause coming from the table until they broke apart and looked over to see everyone standing and clapping.

Frank and Gerard looked at each other, exchanged a quick kiss once more before Frank finally unwrapped himself from Gerard, placing his feet back on the ground. They wrapped their arms around each other and walked the rest of the way into the dinning room.

Frank snuggled into Gerard’s side, not letting go even when their mom’s came to try and prize them apart in an attempt to hug them individually, offering their congratulations. Gerard’s mom was especially proud of him, kissing each of his cheeks over and over before moving onto her future son in law, with whom she took one look at and promptly burst into tears, although she was soon joined by Frank.

Mikey jumped on both of them when the mothers had moved away and wrapped both his thin arms around the two men. “Gerard,” Mikey whimpered. “My big brother.”

Frank very reluctantly let go of Gerard and wriggled out from under Mikey to let the two have a moment. He wasn’t on his own for long though, because Ray was soon cuddling him and whispering how he never thought Gerard would get the balls to do something like this.
Bob was next, who wouldn’t stop muttering apologies until Frank roughly pulled him into a hug and told him to shut up, it didn’t matter anyway. Frank could have sworn he felt something wet land on his arm, but by the time they pulled away, Bob had already turned his face.

The parents were talking excitedly in the corner, already making plans for the wedding while Mikey and Alicia conversed with Ray about how hopeless Gerard could be sometimes, but this time he had really got it right. Frank tore his eyes away from the scene, searching for the one he loved most in the world. There stood Gerard, his eyes locked on Frank as he completely ignored Bob, who was begging for forgiveness.

Frank gave a little smile and began making his way towards Gerard, who did the same, brushing Bob off with a wave of his hand. They met in the middle, smiling at each other and communicating through their eyes in the way only lovers could. Frank held up his bare left hand for Gerard to see, and held it out to him. Gerard kissed it once, and rummaged in his pocket for the small box, before flicking it open and pulling out the silver ring. He delicately slid in onto Frank’s fourth finger on his hand, kissing it once again.

Frank looked on at Gerard in awe, unable to believe the moment he had never thought would ever happen had actually occurred. It was a look of pure adoration and Frank wanted nothing more in that moment then for it to be just Gerard and him alone.

It appeared Gerard was thinking the same thing, as he leaned in and whispered, “How about we kick everyone out so I can ravish you properly, and we can make the neighbors ring up and complain again?”

Frank giggled. “Gee, that will be the sixth time this month!”

Gerard gave a shrug while the pure elation shone from his hazel eyes.

“What can I say, our bed is on fire with passionate love.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to make damn sure, that you can't ever leave.