Saw 4- Twisted Inside

Chapter 1- The Beginning

Saw 4- Twisted Inside


I awoke in the gloom, the smell of death filled the air, I couldn’t move my hands. They were bounded, I could feel the cold metal, shackles against my skin. The room began to lighten up. The fluorescent lights above me were buzzing, I saw I was in a disgusting bathroom, smashed tiles and filth lay everywhere. Opposite me laid what remains of a man and his foot, the body twisted out of usual proportions. His severed foot next to a large piece of masonry. I felt sick, I turned to look at my hands, they were bided to a metal pipe. On the pipe was a old style tape recorder, I screamed for help until I couldn’t scream anymore. I reached over to the tape recorder and carefully picked it up and pressed play. A dark voice began to speak “Hello, Gerard. I’ve heard you don’t appreciate your life, the scars on your wrists are foiled suicide attempts. You disappoint me. You could stay here and rot in the darkness, they’ll never find you here. Or you could show me how to survive and save your brother in the process.”
I gasped, this monster had Mikey.
“You are bounded to metal, remember how easy it is to cut flesh with metal Gerard, the door is on a timer it will lock permanently after 30 minutes and is your heart strong enough to save your friends.”
It continued to play.
“Remember blood can be very slippery and don’t disappoint me Gerard.”
The tape still played, my voice appeared on the tape.
“From the razor to the rosary, we can lose ourselves and paint these walls in pitchfork red”
It then stopped, I dropped it in horror. It smashed against the hard floor.


I felt sick, I’d just lost my wife and now I was locked in a small dark room, the floor was wet and slippery. I sobbed at my luck, tears stung my face as I thought of Laura’s beautiful face before her murder.
I began to feel round the room, I felt a chair on it, a small rectangular object I fumbled with it and a voice began to speak.
“Hello, Frank. Revenge is at the top of your mind, you want it so badly, you are rejecting all those around you, I can help you follow the liquid and I will lead you to them, what lengths will you go to avenge you wife’s death.”
The voice stopped before a song began to play.
“I will avenge my ghost with every breath I take”
I slipped, and I felt running water, I followed the trickling noise to a small opening, a beam of light shone though the opening I looked down I screamed as I discovered the running water wasn’t water at all, but blood. I pushed against the opening. A creaking noise echoed thought-out the room where I lay. The opening got bigger and bigger until I could fit thought it, I squeezed though the small gap and light hit my face as ached another room, it was fairly gloomy but I could see enough. A TV screen buzzed in the corner as I crawled towards it, I yelped in pain as I’d crawled in to a pile of glass I stood up to see several pieces of glass, in my leg, I was covered in blood yet little of it was mine. The TV screen lit up, I stood there and sobbed as I could see Ray and Bob chained to each other.


I was sat next to bob, our legs chained together, I looked around to see where the fuck we were. In a room little bigger than mine back at home. I wished I was back there, Bob looked seriously ill, a massive bruise against on his face. I moved to wake him, he wouldn’t wake up I cried as I thought he was dead, he had a pulse but it was very weak. I heard a crackling noise as a TV opposite us turned on. A face of a clown appeared.
“Hello, Ray. You are meant to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You don’t appreciate all your friends, poor Bob for instance. A small feud made him a very sad person, take a look at his face. All because of a small fight with you over a minuscule object. Bob will be closer to you than ever before and at this moment his blood contains a poison and without the antidote he will die in exactly 4 hours. How far will you go to save his life, would you kill for them?”
The TV began to play a part of one of our songs.
“I’m coming back from the dead, will I take you home with me”
I tried again to wake Bob without any luck. I pulled him over to the other side of the room, where a picture of his face was stuck to the wall. I pulled it off to reveal a small opening, there was a letter:-
Well done, you do care for him but will you bleed for him, the end of the opening in a key to open the door of this room, remember blood is thicker than water.
I dropped the note and reached inside the opening, I felt a sharp object which was fixed to the side of the opening under it was another hole underneath it. Suddenly a timer sounded and my hand was stuck, a voice began to speak.
“You have one minute to get the key and free your hand or you will find yourself handicapped”
I had no way of reaching the key and in the panic I remembered what the voice had said, the words “Bleed for him” ringed in my ears as I pushed my hand against the sharp object and the blood began to trickle down into the hole, it was too slow so I pushed my wrist against the object until my skin spilt, blood poured into the opening and I felt a rounded thing which I picked up and at the end of it was the key, my arm was released and I was sent to the floor as a small explosion went off behind the wall, I was stunned as my arm could have been in there.