Saw 4- Twisted Inside

Chapter 2


I tried to release my hands from the manacles with no luck, what had that voice meant. I looked around the room, I could see nothing to release me. I turned to look behind me my hands where bounded around thirty centimetres away from each and in between them was a heart, and in the centre of the heart was a picture of Mikey and there was a razor blade. I grabbed it and began to cut at the chains under the manacles, the blade wouldn’t be strong enough I thought, as I slipped and cut my wrist, blood trickled down my arms and the manacles became looser than before so I cut again until one of the manacles came off and repeated it with the second as I thought of the voice “Blood is slippery” It had left clues in the message I pulled of the second manacle and ran thought the large door at the other end of the room. I was lucky I slammed behind me as I found myself in a kitchen, empty and dirty. On the side was a note, addressed to me-
Congratulations, you’ve got further than I expected, Mikey will be discovered in due course, you are now breathing in a toxic gas and the antidote for it is in this very room, remember ice can burn Gerard and it burns more than fire itself.
I put the note back on the side as I routed though the kitchen, rotting food littered the floor, the smell was horrendous. I grabbed an old kitchen cloth and wrapped them around my wrists, I needed to find Mikey, I’d do anything for my brother. There was nothing really useful but I picked up a dirty kitchen knife and put it safely in my boot. I found a walk in freezer and I opened the door to reveal a body of a women, I walked over to help her as the door slammed behind me. She was dying and now I was locked in a freezer. It was cold and I knew there would be a way out, I looked around but there was nothing and the temperature was dropped quickly, on the back of the door the words “But where’s you heart, but where’s your” were engraved into the metal. I turned the women over and on her shirt the words “Heartbreak” and in her hand a small kitchen knife. I looked around in horror, I realised what I had to do. I kneeled next to the women, and took off her shirt and on her chest was drawn a heart. I grabbed the kitchen knife and began to cut her opened, blood gushed out of her wounds and under her ribcage laid two needles, I turned away as I puked on the icy floor, I couldn’t do it. I thought of Mikey and grabbed the women’s ribs and began to break them with my bare hands the sound of breaking her bones will haunt me for life, I broke four of her ribs and grabbed the two needles underneath them was a piece of paper. I removed it as her blood rushed around me.
I removed the note from it’s plastic casing, I opened it up to reveal a picture of a women injecting a heroine needle into her arm, underneath the picture the words “One for now, one for later, dig deeper”
I put one needle into my boot, I injected myself with the other. Now I had to find a key. I looked at the women’s body, I saw a glisten of sliver light in her heart, I used the knife to cut it open and grabbed the key. I felt sick, I hated myself. If it was my life at risk I would rather die but I’d die for any of my friends and family especially Mikey. I tried the bloody key in the door, I didn’t fit I used the small knife the scrap the ice off the freezer walls there must be a hidden door. Her blood had swamped the small freezer and the ice was slowly disappearing but I was shivering violently I had to escape quickly, I began to scratch off the excess ice, I cried as it burnt my hands I was digging so violently blood poured from my hands. I found the poor, I used the key and emerged in another room. I dreaded what I’d have to next.