Saw 4- Twisted Inside

Chapter 3


Bob kept stirring as I dragged myself and him to the door opening, I used the key, it swung open to reveal a purely white room, the door swung close behind us, in the room a hospital bed and hospital equipment, on the wall the words ‘Bone surgery’
I dragged bob towards the hospital bed, next to it a trolley. I grabbed the saw and began to cut the chains between me and Bob, it was working and soon we were free. I put him on the bed, as I investigated the room, there was no letter, no tape the door was locked. I tried my key but it was no use. I used an old doctors gown, to bandage my wrist, it wasn’t that deep but I did feel weak. Bob started to move I went to check if he was alright, I had to get him that antidote soon. As I removed his coat as he was sweating heavily and envelope dropped out of his inner pocket. I picked it up, there were photographs inside of my wife, I smiled as I saw her beauty, there was some with me, then they took a sinister turn, someone had spied on her. Then I saw the pictures with Bob, they’d been having an affair. I went mad with rage, I turned to look at Bob, we’d been close for so long, why did he have to do this?. My hand was soon clenched around a scalpel blade which I held at his throat, I wanted to kill him. I dropped the blade as soon as I realised what I wanted to do, one of the pictures had fallen to the floor on the back of it the word “Going” I picked up the rest to unravel there code. “Going, going, gone” and “The Black Parade” were written across the photo’s I had no idea what this meant. I sat next to Bob as I thought of the connection between the words and how to get out.