Saw 4- Twisted Inside

Chapter 4


I’d just killed someone I thought as I entered the next room. I heard a growling noise. There was a dim light and a cage at the end of the room, in it was wolf. The cage walls were covered in deep scratches and blood was smeared over them, the wolf had tried to free itself. It began to hiss and snarl at me as I crept over, on top of the small cage a letter.
“House of wolves, you better run like the devil coz there never gonna leave you alone. You’d better hide up in the alley coz their never gonna find you a home and as the blood runs down the walls you see me creeping up these halls.”
I had no clue what this meant, I still felt sick from my last experience. I looked around the room, I noticed another envelope in the wolf’s cage, next to it a key. The cage door wasn’t locked but that wolf looked starved and thick white foam dripped from it’s mouth. I needed to get in that cage, I grasped the knife which was covered in the women’s blood. I threw it to the corner of the room and sprung open the cage door, it stared at me, it’s black eye’s glittered in the dim light. It sniffed the air and ran to the knife wanting blood, wanting food.. I quickly leapt in it’s cage and slammed it behind me to prevent it entering again, I opened the note.
“The angels come screaming down, will they come an get you, Gerard”
I still had no clue, I then glanced up and saw a ridge above me, I could see a small picture of an angel and on the wall was jagged pieces of glass which reached the ridge. I stood up and grabbed a piece, they were stuck in, I climbed slightly up the wall, it looked miles up. The wolf hissed in the corner, I was around 2 meter’s off the floor as the cage door flew open and the wolf ran to join me it leapt towards we. Luckily I was slightly too high but if I fell I would be dead. The glass seemed to get sharper as I rose, the pain was phemonmal, if I bled to much I had no grip. I carried on, vision’s of Mikey flashed in my mind, the ridge was in sight, I could nearly touch it. I leapt for it and grabbed the concrete with one hand, I used all my energy to pull myself up. I sat and regained my strength, whatever was next would be a lot worse.


Mikey cried as he woke up.
I looked around the room, it was gloomy but the smell of rotting flesh still lingered.
I noticed a small note on a old coffee table, I grabbed it and Mikey joined me as I read:-
Revelation, you are getting very close to THE END.
Then you will find the answer to all the riddle’s in your life.
Mikey-how dark can your secret’s be?
Remember- Metal tear’s flesh and bone so easily, are you strong enough to take one life for another.
Mikey looked dumbfounded.
“This nut job’s trying to fuck us up Frank” Mikey muttered.
“Yeah, I agreed. But what was the note on about with Mikey’s dark secret. Suddenly, a door flew open and I glanced in the room to see our manager Brian laid on a slab of concrete. Chain’s were connected to his body, three in each of his leg’s and arm’s and eight to his chest. He cried out in pain.

On the wall was a timer set at 3 minute’s but it was frozen, we tried to release him with no luck, I looked around the room the chain’s were connected to spool’s which could pull or release the chain’s, these were all connected to a thin piece of wire which let to a small door, I buzzing noise flickered in the corner of the room as a voice spoke “Manager, friend or foe” it cackled “Do you want to see him ripped apart, the chain’s you see are connected to his bone’s and a sharp pull will leave him empty, I give you three minute’s to save him but to do that Mikey must remember something he has tried to forget”
The timer on the wall buzzed and started to count down, Brain screamed in agony as the chain’s moved slightly away from him.
Frank shook me “What do you need to forget”
“I don’t know” I shouted.
Frank searched the room, nothing seemed obvious, just a scribble of number’s and letter’s were wrote on the wall in chalk.
“These mean nothing” Frank screamed as Brian wailed in pain.
I noticed a number, the hotel number where Frank’s daughter Holly was killed, I ran over and behind it was a slide panel. I looked at the timer ‘2 minute’s’ it flashed. I slid the door open to reveal a picture of me shooting heroin, I hid it quickly, on the back it said “Ditto” . Also in the slide cupboard was a knife, I tried to cut the chain’s from Brian with no luck but when I rolled up my sleeve’s I saw ‘Cut here’ written on my forearm and in pointed to a new wound near my upper arms.
“Do it” Frank cried.
I did, blood dripped onto the cold concrete floor beneath me, something glistened, I removed it to reveal a key, I ran to the door and opened it. The timer stopped at ‘30 seconds’ but Brian’s leg’s were a mess, the chain’s had partially pulled out the bone’s in his leg’s. He screamed in pain, we couldn’t move him, he would surly die, we needed to et help and fast.
We tried to clear him up as much as we could but he was bleeding heavily, the blood was soon covering the room we were in.
“Stay, here I’ll try and get help” Frank said.
“No” I screamed “we have to stay together”
“Good point” he said sadly “What about Brian”
“We’ll both get help ASAP” I said calmly, trying to relieve the tension building in Frank.
“Brian, we’ll be back really soon and we’ll get help, hold on for us big man” I said softly.
We moved from the room, though another door.