Saw 4- Twisted Inside

Chapter 5

Ray and Bob

I glanced around the room and behind the door were etched the word’s going, going, gone. I then heard voice’s shouting at one another, they sounded strangely familiar, I also heard a metallic rasping noise against the floor, the door then shuddered. I grasped the scalpel tightly in my hand ready to strike. The door swung open. Two shadows stood there.
“Ray” one gasped.
They came into the bright light.
“Syn, what the fuck are you doing here” I exclaimed.
“It’s Zacky, he’s been poisoned and this nut job left me a letter saying he’ll die if I don’t get him the antidote” he cried.
“Me too Bob’s real sick” I replied.
Syn was chained to Zacky, Zacky could hardly walk but was in a much better state than Bob.
“I don’t know what to do now” Syn moaned “This letter also said that this my chance to show what I would do for my friend’s and it said you’ll see the wrath of my vengeance”
“I did too mine said how far will I go to save them” I said “Was there another door out there?”
“Yeah, there’s this one and another with the Black Parade written across it” he spoke.
“Let’s go, I had a well….photo that said the black parade on the back, so I guess we’ll go there” I said happily as I thought I could actually save Bob
“I’ll follow” Syn shouted.
I grabbed Bob and hauled him onto my back, God he’s heavy and Syn dragged a weak Zacky with him. We left the Bone Surgery room and entered the Black Parade room. Syn screamed as he saw what laid in front of us.


There was a small tunnel leading elsewhere, I managed to squeeze into it and crawled towards a bright light. It hurt my eye’s for a minute, I gasped.
“Jimmy” I cried.
The Reverend was chained up in the middle of the room, his hands and feet were in manacles. These were bolted to the ceiling and the floor.
“James” I shouted again.
His eye’s rolled and he was shaking slightly.
“Help me” he said weakly.
A tape player was laid underneath him, I retrieved it and played the tape inside.
“Nearly there Gerard, Mikey is but a room away, remember Mikey and his Heroin addiction Gerard. I’d ask this man if he had anything to do with that. Mikey is put in grave danger because of that drug. As soon as this tape finishes you will have 10 minute’s to save him after that well The Reverend will be half the man he was before. We all know you like to drink Gerard but how much will you drink to save him and unlock those chain’s, I’ll give you a clue. It’s similar to the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach.”
“You did what” I screamed “You’re on a fucking come down aren’t you”
“No you don’t understand” he muttered.
“Don’t understand what, you got my little brother hooked on smack, you fucking animal”
“Gerard, please” he cried “I don’t want to die”
“You should have thought of that before you fucked with Mikey” I bellowed.
“I mean it Gerard, I’m sorry, I…I…I really am, Gerard please” he begged.
“Fuck you” I hissed, I was appalled he got Mikey into drug’s, they caused so much shit for me.
“Gerard, he had a choice, he made the decision, I can’t control him” he screamed, the chains began to tighten and I realised he would be ripped in half in a few minutes.
“Why James” I spat as I paced the room, in the corner was a bottle and on it was written Methanol.
“You’re going to let me die, you’re going to see me suffer because of a mistake years ago, If you leave me I hope you fucking rot in hell” he shouted.
I couldn’t let him die, he deserved another chance. I picked up the bottle and thought about the tape. “How much will you drink to save him” I needed to drink this stuff, 100% alcohol, I’d be dead in a few hour’s. If I drank it then what, I’d throw up. I was then I realised I needed to drink this shit until I was sick to save James. The chain’s tighten again he wailed, his cry echoed in my head. I grabbed the bottle and drank, after a 3rd of the bottle, I turned round and threw up, it tasted like acid, it burned my mouth and skin. There was a shimmer in my puke amongst the blood and vomit, I retrieved it and released Jame’s. He collapsed as I unchained him. A minute later the mechanism pulled sharply at the chain’s, I was so close.
“Thank you” he panted.
“Why are you here” I asked him.
“Fuck knows, all I know is that my wife’s here somewhere and to get her I have to kill someone, a target that will be shown to me in due course if I am a good friend.” he said weakly.
“Mikey’s in danger and I need to find him” I muttered as I moved to the next room.


The next room was completely empty, the door slammed at locked as we entered. Two notes were laid on the floor. One addressed to me and another to Mikey.
I opened mine to read:
You’re hear now Frank, this is it, will you kill him and avenge your wife, Laura.
I glanced over to Mikey, he was the only one in the room with me. The note said I was here now so where is her killer, Mikey.
I grabbed the note off Mikey and read it:
You’re been very bad, will you be saved or destroyed, like the drug burning inside you, feeding on your body much like a parasite, How did Laura die Mikey?
What do you know” I screamed at Mikey
“Nothing” he replied “Okay, Frank, I’m a drug addict, a heroin addict”
“Laura died from an drug overdose” I yelled “Did you have anything to do with that”
“No” he begged.
I clenched the knife in my fist.
“Why are you here then Mikey” I shouted.
“I don’t know Frank” he sobbed.

Ray and Bob

“Johnny” Syn yelled.
Zacky murmured, he was all over the place. Bob was still out cold.
Johnny was in a glass cylinder, he could barely move. Syn was banging and banging on the glass, it cracked slightly and his blood began to seep, it was smeared all over . A tape recorder was attached to it, I knew we had to do something to get him out but what. I pushed play.
“Hello Brian, Zacky, Bob and Ray, this is your final test. Johnny is sealed in this cylinder, every three minutes a blistering amount of wax will be added, your own human candle. To save him, you must let the two antidotes next to you go. Will you watch him burn or sacrifice yourselves” said the dark voice.
“No” I screamed, what should we do, do we sacrifice his life for all of our’s.
“I don’t know” Syn cried “What should we do?”
“No” Johnny screamed “Leave me, I can’t live with what I’ve done, what I know, what I didn’t do, Shadow’s I know”
“Fuck off” Syn moaned, tear’s staining his face.
A burst of hot wax was added to the cylinder, he screamed. Syn collapsed onto the floor, Zacky fell with him.
“No” I said “I can’t leave you Johnny”
“Leave me now, walk away” he yelled. His skin was blistering and he was struggling to breath.
“Go” he said again, as he touched the cold glass. I touched his hand back, it was too late to save him now. He pulled his hand away but most of his flesh stayed, he wailed in pain.
“I’m so sorry Johnny” Syn screamed, he was breathing heavily.
I grabbed the antidote’s and we left the room, his cry’s will always hurt me. We appeared in a kitchen, a dirty kitchen but footprint’s were engraved in the dirt, we weren’t alone.
I injected Zacky with one antidote the one addressed to him, he livened up quickly.
“Zacky” Syn muttered.
“What?” he said softly, confused.
He glanced at me and screamed.
“What” I cried.
“Don’t use that needle” he shouted.
He pulled a note from his pocket and gave it to me.
“Zacky V, how far will you go to save those you love. You life is entirely in the hand’s of your fellow man. I’ll give you a few word’s of advice- A needle may contain an antidote or a poison”
“What, but I was told to give Bob this, we just gave you one and you’re fine” I said.
“How did you know it’s mine” he asked.
“Your name was on it” I replied.
“Exactly” Zacky said wisely.
I thought about his warning and decided to wait a bit more and if we could get out before Bob deteriorates even more.
A loud bang made us turn to see Jimmy.
He was standing in a freezer his hand’s covered in blood, he’d been crying. Syn and Zacky ran over and hugged him.
“She’s dead, Leana’s dead” He cried.
“What happened” I asked.
It was then I saw a women cut open on the floor, her rib’s cracked even her heart was split, Zacky turned away and threw up, the smell was abominable.
“Gerard” he hissed “I’ll kill him”.
He ran and threw a note on the floor near us, he had a crazed look in his eye, a murdering look. I picked it up to see that Gerard had to finish her off to save Mikey.
“We need to stop this” I yelled.
“Where’s he gone” Zacky asked.
“Well, he got here and he knows where Gerard is” I muttered “ We need to get going”.
They agreed, they helped me move Bob who was still unconscious and breathing weakly.