Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot


******Zacky's POV(After leaving the Hollywood sign)******

I sighed as I pulled up to the house that I shared with the guys. It won't be long until it's just me and my dog, Ichabod Crane. Jimmy is going to be getting a house of his own when he marries Leana. Matt will be next, he's planing on proposing to Val. Johnny might as well be living at Lacey's now. Brian has Michelle again, and now that they're together he'll be moving in with her, again. This house has too many rooms for a lonely man and his pip-squeak dog.

I opened the door to the house and saw Brian standing, probably waiting for me to get home. He is my best friend and I know he's been worried ever since the break-up.

"Hey, Zacky. Woah, why the long face?"

"Huh? Nothing's wrong."

"Which always means something is."

"Not really."

"Come on, I know you better than that." He always knew when I lied.

"It's just, well," I sighed, "soon it'll be me and Ichabod alone in this house."

"What do you mean?"

"Jimmy's going to be married and moving in with Leana. Matt will be gone soon after that. Johnny may as well be living with Lacey now. You are back with Michelle, which means you'll be gone too soon. I've come to the conclusion that it will soon be just me, my loyal canine, and four empty rooms."

"Zack, we'll still be here a lot. The recording studio is in the basement."

"It won't be the same. God listen to me! I sound like a girl!"

"Speaking of girls, what about Skylar."

"What about her?"

"You like her."

"Where would you get an idea like that?"

"Tell me Zacky, how many other girls have you taken to your spot?"


"Not even the girl you planed to propose to?"

"Um, no. Brian where are you going with this?"

"Zacky you're my best friend and I love you, but you can be so dumb sometimes."

"Excuse me?"

"Zack, you idiot, you like her."

"We're just friends." my voice became sad a this fact.

"See! You got sad when you said that! And I'm your friend, you never took me there! The only reason we knew to look there was because you told us you go up there to think." Brian was getting upset.

"Brian, we just met. Even if I did like her, she'd never like me."

"Wanna bet? I bet you right now she's gushing about you to Ember."

"Yeah, right." I said sarcastically.

"Zack, she likes you. Ask her to lunch tomorrow. You'll see sooner or later. Now, I'm tired and going to bed. Good-night Zack. Think about what I said."

"Yeah, OK. Good-night Brian."

He went upstairs and I heard his door close. I sighed and Ichabod jumped on the couch next to me.

"Ich, buddy, I like her, but there's no way in Hell that she likes me. I mean look at me I'm hideous. Ashley was right. I was meant to be alone. I went to bed. Sad and upset.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you couldn't figure it out Ashley's his ex.