Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot

Time With the Boys

When I got to Ember's, I was knocked to the ground by none other than my best friend.

"SKYLAR!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"EMBER!" I yelled back at her.

"So, details?"

"Um, later, I have to get ready so we can go to the guys' place for the barbecue that they invited us to."

"Fine, but hurry." She said pushing me towards my room.

After a shower, I had changed into purple plaid short shorts and a plain white tank-top. Underneath that I wore my bikini that Zacky had bought me the other day. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and decided that I wouldn't put any make-up on since we were going to be swimming. I grabbed a bag and put in some clothes in case I stayed there again and then went out to meet Ember.

Ember jumped up the second she saw me, "Let's go. You'll have to drive because I don't know where they live."

"Um, can you just follow me in your car, because I might end up staying there again."


"Well, I don't know."

"Oh my God! You didn't?"

"God no Em, what do you think I am, a slut?"


"Oh, fuck you."

"No, I don't want Zacky's sloppy seconds."

"Whatever let's go." We pulled up the guys' place ten minutes later. "Lucy we're fucking home!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Skylar!" I heard Johnny yell, followed by what sounded like a stampede to the door.

Zacky flung the door open, only to be pushed out of the way by Matt and Jimmy. Brian stood there shaking his head. "You guys are seriously on something," he said, "Hey Sky, Ember. I would tell you to come in, but these dumb asses are in the way."

Ember and I laughed, "Well, at least we know we're loved." I was then engulfed in a huddle of man with Ember. "Ember, I think they're going to eat us."

"No, the only one that's going to be eaten is you and that's by Zacky!" Ember yelled. I looked at Zacky and he blushed.

"We'll get her back later." I whispered in his ear. We heard people clear their throats and then we broke apart.

"VAL!" "LEANA!" "LACEY!" "MICHELLE!" "AYDYN!" I heard all of these names at the same time. Myka was looking down at his feet. "I feel unloved.' He said. I looked at Zack, and he must have read my mind. "MYKA!" We yelled at the same time engulfing him in a hug.

"Well, now that everyone has gotten love, care to introduce us?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw the Berry twins. "There's no need for that. Matt and Jason Berry." I said shaking their hands.

"Hey, we don't even have to be rock stars to be noticed!' Jason said happily.

"Yeah, but if you didn't know us rockstars, you wouldn't have been noticed." Jimmy said with his arm wrapped around Leana.

"That is very true dude, you owe us." Matt said. I noticed his arm, just like Jimmy's was wrapped around Val. I took the time to look at everyone, all of the guys had their arms around their girlfriends' waist. That's when I noticed Aydyn had his arm wrapped around Ember's waist.

"Zacky," I whispered in his ear, "Look at my brother and Ember."

Zack's head turned in their direction and then back to me, "Well, I guess the blind date thing will not be necessary." He said laughing. He then slipped his arm around my waist. I have never felt like I was in the right place like I did right now. I felt whole, my brother, best friend, manager, and the boys that I just met seemed to fill my life. It was odd, how it felt like they completed the hole in my life and I just met them what, two days ago? 'Fate works in strange was. Did I just say fate? I've never believed in fate, but I think I do now.'

******Zacky's POV*******

I slipped my arm around Skylar's waist, I don't know, it felt right, seeing all the guys' arms around their girlfriends. I don't know what's happening to me, but I think it may be love. No, there's no thinking there. I know it's love. Right now, all I want to do is hold her, touch her, feel her body next to mine. My eyes caught with Brian's and I noticed his eyes look at my arm around her waist. He smiled and then mouthed, "Way to go, but we have to talk later." I simply nodded and jumped into the conversation.

"Well, I think I'm hungry, guys fire up the grill." Val said walking into the house. We all followed her.

Skylar looked up at me and kiss me on the cheek. She then ran out of my arms and jumped on Aydyn's back. 'Yeah, it's definitely love.'
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so, it's sort of filer-ish, but it is also kind of important.