Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot

Jimmy and Leana Forever

It's been almost a month since the thing with Zack. We have been casually dating since then, nothing official though. My hair is now pitch black. I dyed it for the movie, because I personally am not fond of wigs, and I can always change my hair back. Speaking of the movie, I love doing it. I play a college girl who is dating a vampire, but she doesn't know it. I don't want to give the whole movie away, but I 'm afraid of one ting in the movie. The sex scene. I've never done one before, and I'm afraid what will happen when my brother finds out about it. On lighter notes, in two days Jimmy and Leana will be getting married. I'm so happy for them. They love eachother so much. Right now I'm on the way to the last dress fitting. I'm so glad that they asked me to be a part of their union.

I pulled up to the dress shop and got out of the car. I was the last one to arrive. Leana was in her dress, but looked frustrated.

"Hey girlie! What's wrong?"

"Hi Sky, everything is wrong! The dress is two sizes too big, and they said they can't fix it for the wedding, and I got a call from Jim, he said that there were problems with the tuxes too."

I sighed, "Leana sweetheart, thing will be a-OK. Now where is the owner of the shop?"

"Not here."

"Manager?" Leana pointed in the direction of a girl who looked like she had a stick up her ass. I marched over to her and tapped her shoulder. "You're the manager?"

"Yeah." She said in a snotty tone. I was already sick of her, she was upsetting my friend who was already stressed out as it is.

"Well, I'm apart of the Sullivan/Silver party, and I'm very displeased with the service here." I said trying to stay calm.

She rolled her eyes, causing my blood to boil more. "Well, I'm sorry about that."

"Do you have a card?" She handed me a card from the desk. I looked it over and found what I wanted. I dialed the number on the card. Two rings and a woman answered the phone.


"Hi, I'm from a wedding party that is currently here at your store, and I am getting pretty fucking pissed at the moment."

"Why is that?"

"Well, my friends wedding to the man that she fucking loves is in two days, and YOUR manager says that she can't fix the dresses, that we have been here five time to get resized in the past fucking month, ready for then!" I yelled and people from other parties that were in the store looking at me. I didn't care.

"I'll be down to the store in five minutes. We'll have the dresses done by tonight."

"Thank-you." I said into the phone. I hung up and went to Leana. "OK sweety, the dresses will be done tonight."


"Yes, no one is going to ruin this wedding. Now, the owner is coming in, tell her that your friend is the one that called and you will be good. I am going to go and help the boys." She hugged me tightly and I left. I pulled up to the tuxedo store ten minutes later. The boys were still here. I walked in and saw Jimmy looking just as Leana had. "Jim-bo! Calm down, the dresses are good, and the tuxes will be in a minutes too. You can tell me how much you love me later." I said walking in and hugging him.

"How'd you fix the dresses?"

"Let's just say that two can play the bitch game." We laughed. "Manager?" Jimmy pointed a finger in the direction of an Ambercrombi-model-man. I walked up to him.

"May I help you?" He asked it nicely, but then I noticed he was trying to look down my shirt.

"One, stop looking down my shirt!" I yelled lifting his chin up. "Two, get these men in fitting tuxes or I will get you're fucking boss!"

"I'm as high as they go here."

"Really? Because the owner's number is right here on this card." I said picking the card off the desk up. "Don't make me call another owner to a store again today."


I cut him off, "HELP THEM RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" i yelled pointing to Jimmy.

"Right away." he said scurrying away.

The guys came up to me and hugged me. "Dude! Matt didn't even scare him!" Johnny yelled in disbelief.

I laughed. "A real woman can put the fear of fucking God in any man."

"Thank-you Sky!" Jimmy yelled hugging me.

"Well, I have to get back to the dress shop." I walked out, but felt and arm grab my shoulder. I spun around and met Zacky's eyes.

"That was amazing. And very hot."

"Thank," I was cut off by his lips.

"If I ask you to be my girlfriend now, would you say yes?"


"Be my girlfriend?"

"Fuck yeah Zack!" Our lips crashed back together. I pulled us apart sadly. "I have to go."

I got back to the dress shop and saw each girl being helped by a person. Now, time to be girly.

Two days passed and it was the wedding day. The dresses and tuxes were good, and everything was set. The only thing was that Leana was freaking out.

"What if he says 'I don't'?" she cried pacing the small room in her dress.

"Leana, he won't. Jimmy loves you." Val said.

"Yeah, Jimmy wouldn't have asked if he didn't." Lacey agreed.

"Girl, you need to calm down. He fucking would die for you." Michelle said.

"He would. Wouldn't he?"

"Damn fucking straight! Now let's go and get you down that alter so you can be THE Mrs. Plague." I said.

"Hello Mrs. Plague/Sullivan." I said hugging my friend at the reception.

"My stomach does backflips everytime someone says that." She sighed. Jimmy ran up and pulled her to the dance floor, causing me to laugh.

"Hey Skylar."

"Ello, Mr. Vengeance." I said as his arms wrapped around my middle. "I'm so happy for them."

"Yeah, me too. they love eachother so much."

"Dance?" I asked as other people went out on the floor to join the newlyweds.

"With you? Anytime." HE said as we made our way to the wooden floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay. Jimmy and Leana!