Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot


The day of the big family dinner was today and also the day before Matt and Val's wedding rehearsal. My brother was going out to pick up my mother and Zack and I were cooking all day. Amanda spent the whole day prepping herself to meet everyone. She hasn't meet anyone, not even the guys, they've stayed away for the past couple of days so the Amanda could settle in.

"Zacky! Where's the pepper?" I asked looking around frantically for the pepper.

"Right here. Hey babe, why don't you go and take a break get ready for the party. It's in two hours, and you need to unwind some. I've got this."

I looked at Zacky like he was God. "Really?" He nodded his head. "Thank you! I love you!" I said kissing him as I ran upstairs.

"I know or else you wouldn't have agreed to marry me!" He yelled up the stairs.

Before heading to the bathroom, I quick checked on Amanda. She stood in her room in a dress that looked stunning on her.

"Oh sweetheart. You look gorgeous." I said stepping into the room and standing behind her, facing the mirror that she was looking into.

"You think?" She asked, her eyes in the mirror looking into my eyes in the mirror.

"I know." I said looking down at her, running a hand through her hair.

"Mom?" She surprised me, I didn't think she'd accept me so quickly.

"Yes?" I asked looking at her.

"Can you help me with my hair and make-up?"

"I don't think you need make-up."


"Oh, right." I said giggling. "Of course I will."

She sat on the chair in her room and I began to curl her hair into soft ringlets. After I finished with that, I did a soft eyeliner around her eyes and took a step back. If it was possible, she was even more beautiful than before.

She looked in the mirror and gasped. "Thanks mom." She said standing up and giving me a hug.

"Your welcome sweety. Why don't you go downstairs and see if Zacky needs any help." I said as I made my way into my bathroom.

*****Zacky's POV**********

I was cooking some of the food for dinner tonight when I heard a soft clearing of someones throat. I turned around and saw Amanda. She looked beautiful, a mini replica of her mother.

"Mom wanted me to see if you needed any help."

I thought for a second. "You could set the table if you want."

"Ok dad." It still took me back to hear her call me dad. She started to call Sky and I 'mom' and 'dad' the second day she was here. She left the room and I sighed. I was a dad. I liked the idea, but I didn't like the idea of her growing up so soon. I mean in five years she'll be an adult.

I finished with the food and went upstairs to get ready. The party was in a half hour.

************Sky's POV*************

Zacky and I were done getting ready ten minutes before th party was to start. We made our way downstairs and saw Amanda sitting on the couch watching some show on Fuse.

"Hey sweetheart." I said as I sat down, "Are you ready?" I felt the couch shift as Zack sat on my other side.

"I guess. As ready as I can be."

"If at any time you feel overwhelmed, come see me or Zacky and we'll help you. OK?"

"Alright." She said as the door bell went off.

"I'll get it." Zacky said springing up form his spot on the couch and making his way to the door. I heard the door open and then the voices of Ember, Aydyn, and my mother.

They walked through the door and I ran, throwing myself at my mother.

"Momma." I cried. Hugging her as tight as possible to myself.

"Babygirl." I pulled away.

My mother, brother, and Ember all had the same look on their faces.

"Oh my..." my brother broke off.

"She looks..." Ember said.

"Just like you did when you were little." My mother finished.

"Mom, Aydyn, Ember, this is Amanda, my daughter." Amanda stood up and walked to my side so the she stood in between me and Zacky. "Amanda, this is Ember, your uncle, and your grandmother."

Tears spilled from my mother's eyes and Amanda's. So much for the eyeliner.

"Dear is it OK if I hug you?" My mother asked. Amanda shook her head softly as my mother gave her a large hug.

After a short while I said, "Mom, you're gonna have to let her go. She does have to breath." My mother backed away and Aydyn took her spot.

"May I?" He asked.

"Sure." Amanda said. He hugged her lightly and pulled away walking back to Ember.

"Who's she?" Amanda asked.

"My best friend." I said as Ember smiled at her.

"Hi Amanda." Ember said waving like a fool.

The door opened and a stampede of feet entered the house.

"Honey! I'm home!" I heard Jimmy yell.

"Babe we're in the living room!" I yelled with a giggle.

The heard entered the living room, but came to an abrupt stop.

"Why'd we stop?" I heard Johnny whine. " I can't see."

"Then Johnny, stop being short!" Zacky yelled.

"Not my fault!" He yelled.

I looked at Amanda, she was in as much shock as everyone else.

"Hey guys!" I yelled waving to them.

"Honey!" Jimmy yelled running up to me and hugging me.

"Babe!" I yelled back causing us to laugh.

"Well, everyone, this is my daughter, Amanda." I said pointing to Amanda. "Amanda this is.." I stopped to take a big breath, Jimmy, Leana, Matt, Val, Brian, Michelle, Johnny, and Lacey. Otherwise known as Avenged Sevenfold and significant others."

"H-hi." She said lightly waving.

Jimmy and Leana were the first to make it to Amanda.

"Hi there shorty." Jimmy said looking down at her.

"James." Leana said hitting his stomach. "Hi honey. I'm Leana and this lug is Jimmy." Leana said holding out her hand. Amanda took it and shook it. Jimmy followed Leana's moves and the two of them went to sit on the couch with my family and best friend.

Lacey walked up to Amanda, a soft smile on her lips. "Hi Amanda. I'm Lacey. I hope we can be friends." Amanda nodded.

"I think we will be." Amanda said with a smile.

"Hi I'm Johnny!" Johnny yelled taking her hand. Amanda giggled and shook his hand.

It continued like this for Matt, Val, Brian, and Michelle. After everyone was introduced, we sat and talked for a while. There was another ring of the bell. Matt answered the door and in came Myka.

"Sorry I'm late darlings!"

I laughed. "It's alright."

Myka hugged me, but I felt him stiffen. I pulled away and saw he was staring at Amanda. "Dear lord, she looks just like you." He said walking up to her. "Hi, I'm your mother's manager Myka." He stuck out his hand and she accepted it.

After everyone arrived, we went to go and eat dinner. Amanda was being bombarded with questions as Zacky and I went to get dessert. We were carrying things to the table when the doorbell rang.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Zacky asked.

"No. Were you?"

"No. Did anyone invite someone else?" Zack asked the group. Everyone shook their heads. I looked at Zack and shrugged as the two of us made our way to the front door. Zack opened the door and I almost had a heart attack. No! He can't be here! He was supposed to be my past!
♠ ♠ ♠
Who could it be? hmmm

sorry for the lack of updates. I hope this made up for it. ^_^