Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot

The Drama of Our Lives Never Seems to Stop

Zacky and I looked at each other, sighing, "Come in!" Zacky yelled as I jumped off the counter.

"Zacky, I really need...." The nasally voice stopped when the girl looked at me. "Um, who are you?"

I scoffed and looked at Zacky. "I'm his future wife." I said lifting up my left hand and showing her my engagement ring.

She looked at me and laughed. "Zacky could never love you he loved me too much. And besides, I'm the mother of his future child." She pointed to her large belly.

I looked at Zacky who was wide-eyed and shaking his head. "Impossible. It can't be mine."

"Wait! Zacky is this Ashley?" I yelled. He nodded and I roared with laughter.

"What is so funny to you?" She asked annoyed.

"Zacky, love you? May be he did once, but nothing, not even a child would change that." I said as Zacky pulled me to his side and kissed my cheek.

"What part of this is his child don't you understand?"

"I'll believe that when I see a paternity test." I said with a laugh. "And how do we not know that it was that fucker that you cheated on Zacky with's kid?"

"Well, cause, I-I said so."

"Sweetheart," I said bitterly, "I think you should leave." She looked at me with wide eyes and turned, walking out the door.

I looked up to Zacky and frowned. "What if it is mine?"

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now, where were we." I said giggling as I pushed Zacky into the wall, kissing his lips passionately.
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So, it's short, I know, but the next one will be longer and probably piviotal to the story.

comments are nice ^_^