Status: Really slow because my life is crazy...<3

Beast and the Harlot


The two of us walked out of the club and to I guess Zacky's car. He opened the door for me before going to his side and starting it up. We drove in silence for a few minutes. When we stopped at a stop light Zacky took a bandanna out of his pocket.

"Put this over your eyes." He instructed.

"Oh no! This is where you take me to an open, empty meadow, and rape me. Then you'll kill me and leave my body for the coyotes!" I said dramatically.

"Seriously." he began, "just put it on. I want this to be a surprise."

"OK." I agreed laughing.

We drove for about ten minutes, the only noise in the car being the rock music playing in the speakers and the sound of the car's blinkers turning on when the car turned.

"Wait right there." Zacky ordered again.

"Not like I have a choice." I mumbled.

He was gone for a few minutes and then came back in the car to the driver's side. I heard him put something into the back seat and start the car up again. Another five minutes passed. He finally stopped the car and told me to wait until he came to get me. He took something out of the back and closed the door. He was gone for two minutes and then came to open my door. He reached over me to unbuckle my seat, and then he helped me out of the car.

"Trust me." He whispered into my ear. It sent chills down my spine. 'Yep, I like him.' I thought to myself. There was only one time when chills went down my spine and that was when I liked someone.

He walked for a little while and then stopped.

"OK," he said on the count of three I'll take the bandanna off. One. Two. Three."

The bandanna came off my eyes and I was shocked. We were standing next to the Hollywood sign. "Oh my god." was all I could get out.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah, it is. How did you get us here. Isn't it locked?"

"Yeah, but I know the gate keeper."


"You would never guess how corrupt this city was right now, would you?"

"No, the lights make it look so harmless."

"Yeah, come with me." I followed him and saw a blanket set on the ground with candles and champaign. "I thought we could toast to a fresh start." He said.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

He filled the two glasses and gave me mine. "To started a fresh chapter in our lives. Hopefully one with less heart ache and more of each other."

We clinked our glasses together. I wondered what he meant by that. 'More of each other.' I played that line over and over in my head. What does that mean? Does he like me too?