For Every Notch In Your Bedpost


"I like to feed on broken hearts.
There ain't no taste like lovers falling apart.
If I offer to buy you a drink, trust me when I say it's non-alcoholic.
You're no good to me if you can't even speak.
I don't want you passing out I want you sucking my dick!"
I belted out "Orchestra of Wolves" by Gallows, when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I jumped over to my stereo and turned down the volume. "Come in," I said.
It was my mom.
"So, I talked to your father," she said, as she entered my room and sat down on the edge of my bed, "and we decided that you can go to your concert thing this weekend."
I knew it was coming, but I put on a look of surprise on my face anyway, to give her the reaction she wanted: "Thank you! Seriously, I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to go, and thanks!"
She smiled and left my room, closing the door behind her. I went back to my stereo and turned the volume back up to the ear-numbing level it was at before.
I grabbed my phone off the corner of my desk and called up my best ^GUY friend Nick.
"Heyyy. This is Roxanne from Cats Incorporated, and I was wondering if you would like to answer a few questions or something. . ."
"Yeah, duh."
"Cats Inc?"
"Devon video."
"I see."
"I have a belly button."
"No, but seriously: my powers of persuasion got me off punishment and able to make our journey to Warped! Me and Natalie are picking you up at like, four on Friday so get yo shit packed!"
"I knew you'd get yourself off punishment. You always do. And four sounds good. I'll probably pack at 3:30."
"If we have to wait for you, I will chop your balls off. No lie."
"I don't doubt you."
"You love it."
"I know."
"Chocolate water. . ."
"Ha, I got you to join in."
"Yes, you did. But hey! I have to go. Living with grandparents means having dinner extremely early, because for some reason or other old people like to eat merely moments after they finished having lunch."
"Aw, ok. Talk to you later," I said, and hung up.
decided that I should start packing. I found the biggest suitcase that we had in the house, and threw in a couple pairs of pajama pants, a few t-shirts, socks, underwear, bras, two pairs of skinny jeans and a zebra print tank top (because zebra print is fantastic.) Then I threw in random necklaces and a pair of sneakers. (I would put my tooth brush, make-up, and brushes before we leave, since I would need that stuff Friday before we left.)
All together, the pile barely took up any room in the suitcase. That was the plan. After Saturday the whole thing would probably be filled with new stuff. Just the way I like it.
I'd like it even more if after Saturday I came home with a boy.