For Every Notch In Your Bedpost

Pick Your Poison

Thanks to all of our mingling, Nick, Nat and I finagled our way to the barbeque at the end of the day. Natalie took this as an opportunity to greet all the members of various member of bands that were on her “to meet” list. She traveled from group to group of Warped veterans, drink in hand. All she had was a Coke. She preferred to stick to caffeine rather than alcohol, to be sure she’d remember this tomorrow (though she was known to down shot after shot of tequila on other occasions).
I had no clue what Nick was doing. Probably searching for Haley Williams after that upset earlier. Wherever he was, he was staying sober. He’s always been straight edge. I respected that about him, but it was not a lifestyle I would chose for myself. I like the party scene too much to give anything up. The sting on your throat when you sip something strong, the lowered inhibitions. It was crazy and I loved it.
That’s exactly why I had Oli get me some of whatever the concoction was that he got for himself. When he returned, I gladly took the plastic cup from him and took a large gulp. “A bit eager?” he asked, with that million dollar smile on his face.
“I just wanted to get this evening started right,” I explained and took another sip.
“Whatever you say, killa.”
A few sips in silence later, I asked, “So what’s on the schedule for tonight anyway?”
He looked confused. He was adorable when he was confused. “What d’you mean?”
“I mean, are we really just going to stand around and get drunk out here, or are we going to do something else?”
“What are you proposing?”
I thought for a moment. “I don’t know,” I answered, “Something better than just this. I could sit around and get drunk at home. You invited me to stick around. So, let’s find something a bit more exciting to do.”
“I have an idea,” he told me. He took my hand and led me to the area where all the buses were. He finally stopped and opened the door of one of the many that were parked. By this point, I finished my drink, and was making my way through his.
He let me step on before he did. As I took a seat on the couch, I watched as he locked the door behind him. “Why are you locking the door?” I asked.
Oli shrugged his shoulders, trying to be nonchalant. “Privacy...?”
“Are we going to FUCK?” I asked, apparently very loudly, because Oli shhhhh’d me. Someone walked out to where we were from the back of the bus.
“You were going to fuck with me on the bus?” the guy asked.
“Sorry, mate,” Oli said, “I didn’t know you were on here.”
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, “You were going to try to fuck me!” No one listened to me.
“Don’t worry,” the guy said, “I’m leaving now.”
“I need more to drink before I fuck somebody,” still, nobody was listening to me.
“God, I can’t even stay on my own bus at night, without you bringing some girl on here.”
“Oh, you and you’re whining,” Oli told him.
“HELLO! I’M STILL HERE!,” I yelled, and they both just looked at me.
“Sorry, love.”
“Now, you. Guy I don’t know,” I pointed, “You can stay because I am not fucking anyone tonight...”
“Ha! Hear that, mate?”
“No, no, no,” I said, “I didn’t finish. Not unless there’s more alcohol in my system.”
“I can fix that!” Oli said, and stood up. He went to the back and I heard bottles clinking.
The guy I still hadn’t been introduced to sat down beside me. “You really don’t want to do this. Oli sprinkles diamonds on everything he eats,” he said, “This is what he does. He goes on tour. He gets girls drunk. He sleeps with them, and the next morning he has another notch in his bedpost.”
“Trust me, guy I don’t know. I know what I’m doing. I know I’m going to be just another one night stand,” I said, “But at least now I’ll have a story to tell all my friends.”
“You’re just as bad as he is.” The dude stood up as Oli came back out. Oli placed an assortment of liquor on the counter, and I heard the door close.
“Alrighty, angel,” Oli said, “Pick your poison.”