Your My Angel In Disguise

Chapter One

'Aww..Damnit...My head hurts' I thought to myself. From the immense pain that I could feel shooting through my body, mostly my head, I must have got piss ass drunk and crashed in someone's house/

With my eyes still shut, I rubbed my cold forehead with my hand, hoping to ease the pain, but it didn't see, to be working. Slowly, I opened my eyes and was greeted with the harsh, blinding sunlight. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and began to pick myself up off the wooden flooring and onto my feet.

Taking in my unfamiliar surroundings, my brow in confusion, I knew for a fact this. this living room didn't belong to any of the guys parents, or any other person I knew. It was way too clean...

"Now to figure out who's house I'm in." I mumbled to myself, as I began to reply yesterdays events in my mind, starting with school.


Getting out of my car and locking it, I headed towards the guys, who were all gathered around a bench outside school, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Watch where your going Haner!" Drew snarled, as our shouldered harshly collided.

"Why don't you watch where your breathing!" I yelled back, turning to face him. We both glared at each other, waiting to see who was going to make the first punch. It was easy to tell that we had a hate hate relationship.

Our death glares were interrupted by Matt. "Syn man, he's not worth it!" I glared daggers at Drew for one last time, then continued to walk towards the guys.

"Seriously, you and Drew are going to end up killing each other, the amount you two fight." Zacky smirked. I just shrugged knowing he was probably right.

The first school bell began to ring. All the guys including myself let out a groan. School was the last any of us wanted to be.

"Hey guys! Check it out." Jimmy laughed, nodding his head towards a girl just entering the school gates.

It was Angelina. The school nerd. She had black thick rimmed glasses on, her ginger hair tied back into a scruffy bun and was wearing a scruffy hoodie, as she kept her head low, clutching her books to her chest.

As she walked past me and the rest of the motley crew, Jimmy stuck out his foot, which caused the girl to trip and fall so fast, she didn't have chance to break her fall! All five of us erupted into a rawr of laughter, as I high-five Jimmy. "Smooth Rev!" I cheered.

Angelina had her arms outstretched as he hands tried to find her glasses, which had fallen off her face and onto the ground.

Me and the guys gathered our stuff and walked around nerdy Angelina and headed into school. "Later looser!" Johnny laughed, pulling her hoodie over her head, causing another round of laughter.

As we reached the school entrance, I cast one last glance at Angelina, who looked like she was silently crying whilst gathering her books. A sly smirk was plastered on my face, as I shook my head and followed the guys to home room.

End of Flashback

But that was where my memory cut short. I couldn't remember anything else from yesterday.I know, I'll call Matt I thought. Reaching into my pocket for my cell, I was surprised to find that it wasn't on me, which it usually is. Weird.

My thoughts were interrupted as the front door opened and in walked a girl. I watched as she shut the door, re-locking it and bent down to pick up the mail. She placed it down on the little table by the door and turned to face the living room.

"Holy cow!" She yelled, jumping ten foot in the air clutching her heart, when she saw me. "What the hell!"

"Angelina!" I seethed, as I was it was the nerdy girl. "What the fuck am I doing at your house!" But her eyes were as wide as saucers and she seemed to be looking at my legs, as her whole body went rigid. "Well...Answer me!" I demanded a little louder, getting aggravated.

"S-Syn...B-Brian..." She stuttered, probably from being my my presence. "Why are you standing in the coffee table?"

I looked at her in disbelief. "What do you mean standing on the coffee table?"

"N-No..I mean IN the coffee table." As she pointed to my legs.

Looking down, a yell of surprise erupted from my throat, as I saw that I was standing IN the coffee table. My legs went straight through the wood, like a ghost through a wall. I quickly stepped out of the coffee table and saw that my feet were still attached to my legs. But I still couldn't believe what I had just seen. So I stepped back into the coffee table and then back out of it, "Oh shit...Does that mean-"

But I was cut short by a loud thump. I turned to face Angelina and found that the noise was her body hitting the floor. She had fainted.

"Oh shit..."
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.

I really like the idea of this. I've already planned it out, so hopefull that mean I can write updates quicker...hopefully...

So, please leave me some comments about this story, or feel free to start having a chat with me about anything.
