Shut Me Up

Monitors In Hospitals

Four Months Later(October 13,2008)

I stood there, Just outside of the emergency room doors pacing back and forth at the thought of what was happening in a room just beyond that set of double doors. There in a delivery room, laid my- I guess you could call her my archenemy, and my fiance. Yeah, Jimmy proposed a month ago. It wasn't really unexpected since it was the day after the divorce was finalized, it was quick, practically annulled due to the fact that she was in jail-
prison, pending a court date in the near future. But he wasn't hers anymore, expect for the baby boy that was being born this very second.

I wasn't scared about that, or the fact that I would have to raise her spawn along with my own baby in a few months time. I was scared about the court date. Which was set for December 15. I was due in a month. Meaning that I would have a two month and one month old to look after at the time.

When did my life get so complicated?

Suddenly the door burst open and out came a very depressed looking Jimmy, who threw himself down in a chair.

"Jimmy, what's wrong? Is Chantal okay? Is the baby okay?" I sputtered out the questions as I knelled down next to his chair. He rubbed his face and looked out across the waiting room.

"She, I... The doctors did everything they could and it was useless." I saw a tear streak its way down his face.

"No..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. As much as I hated Chantal for what she put me through, and the strain she caused my baby, She didn't deserve this, neither of them did.

"They don't think the baby will live very long," He stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he reached he hand out and helped me out, I was huge at this point.

"The nursery, we still have to name him."

"Okay." I agreed as I held his hand and placed a hand quietly on my stomach. Hospitals always made me uneasy, I don't know if that author mentioned it before or not but they do, they always have this really funny smell. I don't think Remmy really likes hospitals either. I've really gotten close to that name over my 'prego'cy. I haven't really thought of any other names. Remedy kind of fits her.(yeah dudes if you haven't got it yet Remmy is a girl!)

We had made it to the little room with the babies in it. I had that it was kind of weird, how half of the little babies looked perfectly fine in their little beds and then there were the other half, where, when Jimmy opened the door and he talked to the nurse on duty, we walked over to, were all the sickly looking ones that were hooked up to monitors and machines of all kinds.

Jimmy went to a little baby that was on top of a blue blanket, signaling that he was in deed a boy. He stared at the tiny life that was dwindling away in front of him. More tears escaped.

"What, What do you think we should name him?" he asked as he stuck his hand through the provided hole and touched his son's tiny hand.

"Well," I thought hard about it. "Why not after you?"

He looked up at me, "Really? You wouldn't care?" He asked seriously.

"No, he's your first son. He deserves it." I gulped back my hatred for my selflessness.

Jimmy retrieved his hand quietly and stood. He wrapped me in a tight hug, "Thank you."

"It's no problem, I'd do anything for you." Hugging him back and watching silently as the monitor went flat.
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lol i totally forgot to give you guys this!

and i just found this earlier on INO!
Morningwood-Takes Off Jimmy's Clothes!

don't you love when msi takes a month off?
well it's a bit of a love/hate relationship, huh? lol