Driving Lessons

The Truth

"What are you doing?" Laura sniffed as Ali whipped out a permenant marker from nowhere.

"I'm signing your pots..." He smirked at her.



"What are you writing?"

"That's a surprise." He smirked and yanked the lid of the marker pen off with his teeth and set to work writing. Laura thought he looked immensely funny with a pen lid keeping half his mouth open while he had a look of sheer concentration on his face.

"Ali?" She asked him as he wrote on her right arm's pot.

"Yes my love?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Was it my fault that the baby died?"

Ali's eyes dropped to the floor and his face fell.

"No." He whispered.

"Then why does it feel like it?"

"Thats how I feel as well honey." He smiled at her sadly and gently leant forward to kiss her forehead.

He released her arm allowing her to see what he had written.

Ali and Laura, <3 forever and always x

She smiled.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I've never felt this way about anyone else." He smiled back up at her.

"Ali..." She asked biting her lip, "Have you done what you did with me... with anybody else?"

He looked her straight in the eye, guilt flooding through him as he looked up into her open. honest innocent face. "Yes."

Her face fell and she shuffled backwards slighty.



"I feel horrible."


"My heart feels all achey and I don't like it when you say about other people doing with you what I have..."

Ali felt... terrible didn't even come close to summing it up. Why hadn't he waited... why hadn't he kept his virtue and his virginity? If he had known back when he lost it how amazing real love felt, and how this girl would make him weak at the knees with just one glimpse of her pretty smile...

Well, he probably would have done the same thing, but he would always regret not waiting.

He couldn't imagine life without Laura... As he explained to her what jealousy was with her bright eyed hunger for knowledge he so badly wished he could un-do the wrongs of the past.

He caringly kissed her lips, wanting nothing more than to spend all eternity with her in his arms.
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I think i've made ali a bit depressing recently
which i suppose is ok seeing as his baby was just killed ;P