The Future Freaks Me Out

This is for real, this time i mean it ♪

{the next morning...}

I was sitting on my bed, when the phone rang.

I grabbed it answer it, and it stopped ringing. "hmm... i guess someone else is up" i thought to myself.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? THANK YOU SO MUCH!" i heard Gabe yelling from his room. I guess he was the one that picked up the phone. I went out into the hallway, and he came out of his room. he looked shocked.

"Gabe? what's going on?" I asked

"THAT WAS THE PRINCIPAL! AND SHE ASKED TO HAVE COBRA STARSHIP PREFORM AT GRAD!!!!" he yelled as quietly as he could, everyone else was still asleep. "Are you serious???" i asked, rhetorically.

"Dude! this is going to be THE best night.. EVER" i said.

"Yeah, okay, well i'm going to go out for a bit" he said "i'll be back around lunchtime" he continued. I nodded.

I figured that everyone else was still sleeping, it was after all, 9:30 saturday morning.

I was hungry so i got up to go to the kitchen, as i was walking down the hall, i heard what i thought was someone crying. I listened to try and figure out where/who it was comming from. I kept walking, and it got louder. I kept goinging, it was comming from Sarah's room. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, just more crying. so i cracked open the door, and she was lying there, facing away from the door.

"Sarah?" i asked quietly, she didn't say anything. So i walked in slowly, and went over to the side of the bed that she was facing.

"Sarah? Oh my God sweetheart, what's wrong?" i asked sitting on the bed. She turned to look at me, trying to wipe the tears off her face.

"Oh, " she sniffled. "it's nothing" she continued, sitting up.

"Sarah, you're crying, you don't expect me to beleive it's nothing, do you?" i asked, putting my arm around her. I felt so bad, i hated seeing people, especially my friends getting upset. "Sarah, what's wrong hun?" i asked again, hugging her.

"It's...It's...It's...Alex." she said, crying even harder. "What happened?" i asked.

"he...he...he.." she studdered

"Is he okay?" i asked

"No." she answered.

"What's going on, hun?"

"Alex...called this morning...from the hospital" she said

"What?!?!" i was really worried now.

"He had a doctors's appointment last night...and well.."

"What is it?"

"Well, you know how he's been getting those really bad headaches?" she asked


"Well, the doctor wanted to take an x-ray, and found.." she paused. "they found a tumor." she totally broke down. i hugged her.

"Is he going to be okay?" i asked.

"I don't know Catee, i really don't know." she said, hugging me. Now, i was in tears too.