Passion in My Eyes, Ice in My Veins

Chapter 2

“Leslie!” I heard a beautiful and smooth voice yell from outside. I quickly pulled my shoes on, having a purpose to hurry. I looked a mess since I woke up late, but I didn’t bother to try and fix my imperfections. The guy I was in love with was standing outside my house waiting for me.

I ran down the steps and pulled open the door with a grin on my face. “Hi,” I said slightly out of breath trying to hide it. I always felt so embarrassed in front of Matt. He was so handsome, and in a way graceful no matter what he was doing. I on the other hand was all over the place. I tripped over my own feet and sometimes said things on impulse.

“You look beautiful,” he said as he wrapped his arm around me once we started down the sidewalk.

I blushed and looked down at my feet bashfully. “Shut up,” I mumbled.

He laughed and planted a kiss on my head. “So I had a talk with my Mom last night,” he said looking up at the sky squinting a little since the sun was peaking out of the clouds.

“Oh god.” I laughed and looked up at him. “What happened?”

“She said she doesn’t want me to have sex in her house.” He laughed and rolled his eyes.

“Well it’s a little late for that.” I chuckled.

“Yeah, well she doesn’t know that.” He laughed. “She just told me to be safe.”

We finally reached school and made our way across the grass. In the distance I saw a group of shady guys in all black standing around the side of the school smoking. “Hey Matt,” one of them said waving at us.

As we go closer I realized it was Zach, one of Matt’s best friends. “Hey man,” Matt said ‘hugging’ him.

“Hey Leslie.” The guys nodded their heads at me smiling slightly.

I liked Matt’s friends, but we were so different. All of his friends drank and smoked like no one’s business. I on the other hand didn’t see the point in doing any of that. First of all, it was illegal, and second, I had more important things to do with my life than to screw it up over something that can put me in jail.

“I’ll see you in class,” I said to Matt and kissed his cheek.

He turned to face me and pecked my lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I mumbled not wanting the guys to hear and I walked off hugging my books to my chest.

The final bell rang and I looked at the door, waiting for Matt to come in. I sighed in disappointment when he didn’t enter. He was probably skipping class with the guys like he usually did. It annoyed me how he would do that without telling me. I turned my attention to the teacher who began writing notes on the board. As I did, I kept getting a glimpse of hope when there was a knock at the door. But it was just a student aid or a late student that wasn’t Matt.

Later that day I walked out of the school to the field where gym was being held. “Hey baby,” a silky voice said as I walked backwards on the field.

I jumped hearing the luscious voice and turned to see Matt smirking at me. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in Anatomy?” I posed turning to him completely.

“I didn’t feel like going.” He shrugged.

“Matt,” I sighed, “you can’t keep ditching classes.”

“I know, I know.” He rolled his eyes not wanting to hear a speech from me. “But I have something special planned for us tonight.” he grinned.

I couldn’t help but smile. I loved alone time with Matt. “What?” I smiled wrapping my arms around him, stepping closer to his warm body.

“You and I are going to go to the park,” he pecked my lips, “and then go to the beach for dinner.”

I smiled and kissed him. “Sounds good.”

“I’ll come over around six. Is that alright?” He glanced past me seeing the gym teacher walk out of the building onto the field along with all the other students.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Practice will be over by then.”

“I’ll see you then. Have fun.” He laughed and smacked my butt with a smirk then walked away quickly since he knew I would hit him like I always did.

I ran home as fast as I could after tennis practice. It lasted longer than usual so I only had an hour till Matt was supposed to meet up with me for our little date tonight. I ran inside pulling my hair out of the pony tail and bolted up the stairs saying hi to my parents. I went into the bathroom and showered quickly. I just wanted to be with Matt again.
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