Tell Me a Fairytale

Her Disguise

About thirty minutes later, after I had finished off a bowl of cereal, the doorbell rang.

"Hey," Spencer said, grinning widely when he saw me. "Ready to head out?"

"Well," I sighed. "Almost..." I didn't know if I'd be able to convince Vanessa to come with us, but I figured I may as well try.

I found Vanessa in her bed, her face still buried in her book. "We're going now," I said to her. She didn't move. "Ness, you coming?"

Defiantly, she kept her Book of Shadows in front of her face. "NESS!" I shouted, but she refused to acknowledge me.

"Fine," I muttered, walking toward the door. "I'm going now." Vanessa still hadn't moved. I stopped just before the door, put my hand on its knob, and said softly, "I love you."

When I got no response, I left the room, slamming the door behind me.

"Nice to see you've made yourself feel at home!" I exclaimed when I got into my living room. Spencer was sprawled out on the couch, reading something.

He laughed, but didn't say anything or look up at me. He was too busy reading whatever was in his hand... When I came closer, I recognized the papers he had and snatched them away.

He looked up and said, "What are those?"

I felt myself blush. Spencer sat up to make room for me on the couch. Sitting down, I admitted, "Spells. Sometimes I talk to my mother."

He nodded, understandingly. I saw something more in his eyes than understanding, but I said nothing.

"You ready then?" he asked.

I nodded and set the papers aside, but when I turned around, Vanessa stood in the doorway, her eyes red from crying.

Immediately, I was at her side. "Vanessa! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she lied. "Let's just go."

I looked at her with deep concern, but I could never read her. She's fine... I knew what she said couldn't be true, yet I couldn't bring myself to see past it. Her bright blue eyes certainly told a fairytale, one so elaborately disguised as the truth, it made it impossible to distinguish it as otherwise.