Fatal Attraction

Giggles in the night.

I sat in stunned silence. I knew he was going to call, but not that fast. I must have been silent for a while, because the other voice, Caleb, said hello again.

"Oh, yeah, hi." I finally replied.

"Look, I know we don't know each other at all, but I would like to get to know you and I talk easier on the phone then in person, so.."

"OK. Well, what would you like to know?"

"Anything! Just tell me about yourself."

I thought for a bit. Well, what should I tell him? It's not like I can tell a complete stranger everything about me! What if I slip up and tell him something really, REALLY secret? Then he might tell the entire school and I'll be even more out casted then before!

He must have picked up on my silence because he started talking again.

"But if you don't want to tell me anything right now, I can talk to you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah, I think that would be better. We're pretty much opposite on the talking thing. I'm way better at talking in person!"

"Hey! You just told me something about yourself! Was that so hard?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

I giggle. "I guess not."

"Sweet. I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

He hung up and so did I. I set my phone on my bedside table and glanced at the face of my clock. It was already 10! I stripped out of my clothes and threw on my pj's. I was suddenly very tired. I hopped under the covers and closed my eyes to fall asleep.
But I couldn't.
My thoughts were a jumbled mess. Everything was churning and churning. I couldn't settle down. I jumped out of bed and paced around my room for a bit. I'd try to calm my mind down but they strayed back to him. Caleb.
What is this? I don't even know him!
I looked over at my clock again. Jesus! It's past 12!
I climbed back into bed and closed my eyes again. I must have finally fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes it was 8 in the morning. I had half an hour to get to my bus so I threw the covers off and walked over to my closet
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~ Sorry if its kinda short but i don't write much~
Comment please!!!!!!!