Fatal Attraction

Not Going Home

The rest of the day was a lot like the first half. It went by in a daze. But this time, i felt a lot better. I can actually remember what the teachers were talking about! When the day end bell rang, it got a lot worse.

I was walking past the office from math to get to my locker when I saw them. My parents. Which surprised me and just pissed me off. I scooted along the far wall of the hall, behind everyone, so they wouldn't see me. Their backs were to me so it wasn't that hard. I got to my locker without being spotted but it wasn't over yet. I still had to get all my stuff and get out before they got to my locker. That gave me only a minute. I decided to ditch the stuff in my locker and just leave. It was only a sweater and my bag. I had my binder with me, so I still wouldn't get behind.

I slipped past the office again to get to the stairs. I could still see my parents but this time, they were looking around for me. That would make it difficult. I was standing there, contemplating what I should do, when an idea came around in the form of a boy. Rob.

"Oh, thank god you're here!" I cried out, pulling him in front of me.

"Hi Jess. Good to see you too!"

"You need to help me! My parents are in the office and I can't get to the stairs with them watching for me!"

"Okay. What does that have to do with me? and are you actually gonna let me in on why you're hiding from your parents?"

"I call you when I get home and tell you. I need you to go in there and distract them somehow. I don't care how, just do it. Please!" The neediness in my voice wasn't disguised. Anyone could hear it.

He nodded and walked into the office. I don't know what his plan was but it worked. As I watched, he said something to the secretary and fell to the ground. It was masterful. Everyone crowded around him, including my parents. I ran to the stairs without looking back.

I crashed out the door and sprinted away from the school. I didn't know where i was going to go, but I knew it wasn't going to be home.
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I know it's insanely short but that's all I can think of for right now
If I get another idea, I'll put it up but I think that's all your getting for a bit.
I promise to post before school starts.
Love you guys!!!