Fatal Attraction

Walks Are Nice

I guess we both fell asleep, because the next thing I knew was Caleb shaking me lightly to try and wake me.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled. He moved off the bench, which caused me to fall over and smack my head on the hard surface that he had just vacated. I sat up, rubbing my head.

"There is definitely going to be a bump tomorrow" I said. He smirked at me and we both burst out laughing.

When we stopped, we walked hand in hand out of the park. It must have been early in the morning because the sky was still pitch black. We wandered around the neighborhood, just laughing and talking. Before I knew it, I started to recognize the area more and more. When I looked around, I realized we were walking down my street. I stopped immediately. My house was two more down. Looking back at my face, which was screwed up in disgust, he backtracked to stand beside me again.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern dripping off of every word. I shook my head and pointed towards my house without a word. He glanced at it and looked back at me, confused. He took another look at my face and I saw the realization cross his face. It quickly changed from knowing to angry. I grabbed his hand and lead him back the way we had come.

We walked for a bit longer. I watched the house as we strolled. They got more and more impressive as we trekked on. Just when I thought they couldn't get any nicer, we turned a corner and I saw the biggest gate I have ever seen. It was black, iron rods which stood maybe 15 feet into the air. It was scary.

Caleb kept walking towards it.

"Um... What are you doing?" I asked, voice squeaking.

"I'm going home and you're coming with me."

"You live here?" I practically shouted out. This place was probably amazing. All I could see so far was the gate and a long, winding driveway that snaked out of my view.

"Yeah. But don't worry, it'll be fine. My parents are really cool. And it may look like a far walk, but it's only 2 minutes." He tried to assure me.

"Exactly. It takes two minutes to get to your house from the driveway! There is no way I belong in there!" I said. I started walking away, not really sure which way to go. I'll find my way out eventually. But I had barely gotten three steps when I felt his hand grab mine. I looked back and gazed into his eyes. Wow. I could get lost in them so easily. He was looking at me so hard, I swear, he was looking into my soul again.

"Please don't go." He whispered, his voice so low I had to lean towards him to hear the words. He smiled a small smile and leaned towards me.

He stopped about an inch from my face. I looked into his eyes again and closed the distance between us. His lips were soft against mine. I stepped towards him at the same time he stepped towards me. Now every little bit of ours was touching.

We stood there, kissing, for a long time, but it felt to short when he pulled away to look at me. I smiled at him, not remembering the last time I was this happy. He smiled back and led me up through the gates and towards his home.
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Sorry it took so long to write this. It's my New Years Resolution to write more, so hopefully, there'll be more coming soon.